by Max Barry

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The Fattest Citizens in the Pacific

World Census takers tracked the sale of Cheetos and Twinkies to ascertain which nations most enjoyed the "kind bud."

As a region, the Pacific is ranked 13,113th in the world for Fattest Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
61.The Republic of Republic of SteelAnarchy“No quarter”
62.The Community of WahantalooFather Knows Best State“Teamwork makes the dreamwork”
63.The Kingdom of AdaranthiaCorporate Police State“Peace and Justice for all Adaranthians”
64.The Holy Empire of Lotus paradisePsychotic Dictatorship“The lotus is our god”
65.The Dominion of DinomorphiaCompulsory Consumerist State“You've activated my trap card”
66.The Republic of CoraultCapitalist Paradise“Econmy”
67.The Dictatorship of Ian Alexandrovich NepomniachtchiCorporate Police State“Я предпочитаю рискнуть, чем избежать победы.”
68.The Incorporated States of StuptaniaCapitalist Paradise“Twirling Toward Freedom”
69.The Best Constitutional Republic of FireLandsInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Regarding the Defense Budget MORE!”
70.The Passion of KissMoralistic Democracy“Fall in love”
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