by Max Barry

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The Rudest Citizens in the Rejected Realms

World Census experts telephoned citizens from all nations at just before dinner time, in a study to determine which populations were most brash, rude, or brusque.

As a region, the Rejected Realms is ranked 10,036th in the world for Rudest Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
4,891.The Confederacy of Amogn USScandinavian Liberal Paradise“me and stan just freaked up AT&T”
4,892.The Theocracy of YisusilyLeft-wing Utopia“God is my favorite fictional character”
4,893.The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 80Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Mission Accomplished”
4,894.The Colony of Absolute communism404Authoritarian Democracy“Puppeteer”
4,895.The Democratic Republic of EburiaAuthoritarian Democracy“Een land is geen land zonder democratie”
4,896.The Constitutional Monarchy of Absolute communism384Moralistic Democracy“This Space Intentionally Left Blank”
4,897.The Democratic States of Absolute communism562Moralistic Democracy“This Space Intentionally Left Blank”
4,898.The Constitutional Monarchy of The Royal New Lunar RepublicDemocratic Socialists“En Luna Nomines!”
4,899.The Democratic Republic of Absolute communism470Father Knows Best State“The ceremony of innocence is drowned”
4,900.The Armed Republic of Absolute communism586Iron Fist Consumerists“This Space Intentionally Left Blank”
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