by Max Barry

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The Largest Populations in the Rejected Realms

The following nations have the greatest number of citizens.

As a region, the Rejected Realms is ranked 15,966th in the world for Largest Populations.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Dominion of LonkFather Knows Best State“Look Og, fire. Quick catch it!”
2.The Free Republic of OxirixCapitalist Paradise“Quam magnum est non laudari, esse et laudabilem!”
3.The Incorporated States of Small FishCivil Rights Lovefest“Even small fish serve a purpose.”
4.The Ink Production Facility of EnoploteuthisInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Money changes everything.”
5.The Over-Hyped Outbreak of MonkeypoxScandinavian Liberal Paradise“CDC rocks the house yo!”
6.The Lily-White Skin of French Speedo ManCorrupt Dictatorship“I enjoy squatting.”
7.The Republic of WerebearsLiberal Democratic Socialists“Carpe Jugulum”
8.The Impressive Length and Girth of Telephone Pole of LoveFather Knows Best State“Can you hear me now?”
9.The Disputed Territories of Phlem HawkerRight-wing Utopia“Kentucky - atleast we aint Mississippi”
10.The Well-Armed Militia of Black-PanthersLeft-Leaning College State“All power to the people.”
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