by Max Barry

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The Most Avoided in the Rejected Realms

Nations ranked highly are considered by many to be the most inhospitable, charmless, and ghastly places to spend a vacation, or, indeed, any time at all.

As a region, the Rejected Realms is ranked 5,507th in the world for Most Avoided.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Armed Republic of Knowwear in YoutopiaIron Fist Consumerists“Give pea... ummm... war a chance.”
2.The Dictatorship of Brotherhood of nodCorporate Police State“Peace through Power”
3.The Strex Corp Subsidiary of RestorzaCorporate Police State“Freedom costs money”
4.The Free Land of Kitten-eatersCorporate Bordello“Fried kittens are tasty”
5.The Commonwealth of MonianoliFather Knows Best State“In Money we trust”
6.The Republic of YsargaCorporate Bordello“Sic Semper Tyrannis”
7.The Truly Free State of Western ScientificumAnarchy“That's your own problem!”
8.The Republic of Mon SireAnarchy“By The People For The People”
9.The Wasteland of Savage FrontierLeft-Leaning College State“War. War never changes”
10.The Juggernaught War State of WarsonCompulsory Consumerist State“Where politics fail, war prevails”
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