by Max Barry

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The Fattest Citizens in The Scandalian Alliance

World Census takers tracked the sale of Cheetos and Twinkies to ascertain which nations most enjoyed the "kind bud."

As a region, The Scandalian Alliance is ranked 25,307th in the world for Fattest Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Loose Federation of Roguish PiratesCompulsory Consumerist State“Yo ho ho, and other cliches”
2.The Duff Drinkers of WoohoolandCivil Rights Lovefest“”
3.The Immortal Empire of AlpanuIron Fist Consumerists“Let the gods avenge themselves”
4.The United Kingdoms of Brian BorumaIron Fist Consumerists“I am the King! I am the King!”
5.The Who Are You Guys of Milk and HoneeNew York Times Democracy“Halcyon days”
6.The Commonwealth of ScarberiaLiberal Democratic Socialists“You can't park there”
7.The Sultanate of NothalfbadistanNew York Times Democracy“Meh”
8.The Republic of ScandalstanDemocratic Socialists“We Will Endure”
9.The Queendom of SkaroaborgLeft-Leaning College State“From Many, One”
10.The Free Land of The Green BeltDemocratic Socialists“Hands off!”