by Max Barry

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The Largest Soda Pop Sector in the South Pacific

The World Census recorded sales of fizzy syrup water in order to determine which nations have the largest beverage industries.

As a region, the South Pacific is ranked 11,412th in the world for Largest Soda Pop Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Eternal Misfortune of Pencil Sharpeners 2Father Knows Best State“Stop Reading My Motto!”
2.The Wastelands of NothreenCorporate Bordello“My way or the highway”
3.The Seafood Paradise of KohrArCorporate Police State“With oysters we thrive!”
4.The Unwavering Love of Land With Lots of ShrimpCapitalizt“Can I trade in the children for more cash?”
5.The Please withdraw endorse me of Hong Kong Kowloon and New TerritoriesAnarchy“Make Hong Kong great again”
6.The Republic of OlongonAnarchy“You Can't Stop Progress”
7.The Empire of HamronicaBenevolent Dictatorship“Mahnamahna”
8.The Slab follower of Drew DurrnilAnarchy“slab rizzed me up 🤫🧏‍♂️”
9.The Republic of Lizzy GrantCivil Rights Lovefest“Say yes to heaven”
10.The Imperial Coalition of SHAYTAN UKHIROSSCivil Rights Lovefest“Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit”
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