by Max Barry

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The Largest Retail Industry in the South Pacific

The World Census estimated levels of employee ennui to determine which nations have the largest retail industries.

As a region, the South Pacific is ranked 7,335th in the world for Largest Retail Industry.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Eternal Misfortune of Pencil Sharpeners 2Father Knows Best State“Stop Reading My Motto!”
2.The Wastelands of NothreenCorporate Bordello“My way or the highway”
3.The Seafood Paradise of KohrArCorporate Police State“With oysters we thrive!”
4.The Armed Republic of New CenturionAnarchy“Our Empire Reigns Eternally”
5.The Unwavering Love of Land With Lots of ShrimpCapitalizt“Can I trade in the children for more cash?”
6.The Worst army of The Worst army ofIron Fist Consumerists“1 + 1 = 1”
7.The フェデレーション of Nowa EuropaAnarchy“Ut Deum invoco: Hominus victus est in medium.”
8.The Kingdom of DarkmenIron Fist Consumerists“gold or lead”
9.The Federal Republic of EleuthelriumCivil Rights Lovefest“Equality, Justice, Prosperity”
10.The Please withdraw endorse me of Hong Kong Kowloon and New TerritoriesAnarchy“Make Hong Kong great again”
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