by Max Barry

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The Most Subsidized Industry in the South Pacific

Nations ranked highly spend the most on developing and supporting industry, a practice known as 'corporate welfare.'

As a region, the South Pacific is ranked 6,608th in the world for Most Subsidized Industry.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Eternal Misfortune of Pencil Sharpeners 2Father Knows Best State“Stop Reading My Motto!”
2.The Empire of Ever TestingFather Knows Best State“In dough we trust”
3.The All Inclusive Love and Pride of JehennaLeft-wing Utopia“We love you just the way you are! And we love TTRPG's!”
4.The People's Republic of VarayushaDemocratic Socialists“Strength through Adversity”
5.The Seafood Paradise of KohrArCorporate Police State“With oysters we thrive!”
6.The Principality of NitrianskoNew York Times Democracy“Truth prevails!”
7.The Republic of AgorusInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Agorus for agorusian”
8.The Armed Republic of New CenturionAnarchy“Our Empire Reigns Eternally”
9.The Colony of Southie is really takenIron Fist Consumerists“Dale before all. Eliminate the non-believers.”
10.The Protectorate of TSP Transition TeamInoffensive Centrist Democracy“It'll be over by christmas”
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