by Max Barry

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The Most Scientifically Advanced in the South Pacific

World Census researchers quantified national scientific advancement by quizzing random citizens about quantum chromodynamics, space-time curvature and stem cell rejuvenation therapies. Responses based on Star Trek were discarded.

As a region, the South Pacific is ranked 5,722nd in the world for Most Scientifically Advanced.

NationWA CategoryMotto
11.The Armed Republic of New CenturionAnarchy“Our Empire Reigns Eternally”
12.The Republic of AgorusInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Agorus for agorusian”
13.The Rogue Nation of WallandaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“War and Peace”
14.The Technocratic Republic of NoimosiniDemocratic Socialists“Strength through intelligence”
15.The フェデレーション of Nowa EuropaAnarchy“Ut Deum invoco: Hominus victus est in medium.”
16.The Federal Republic of West green IsraelLiberal Democratic Socialists“For greener future”
17.The Armed Republic of Crazed monkiesDemocratic Socialists“Vote monkey, get monkey”
18.The Freople of SoemCivil Rights Lovefest“Wealth tax, cap the richest (10% top 10, 1% next 100)”
19.The Dazzling Winter Beauty of Land Without ShrimpCivil Rights Lovefest“Let's dance, my love. Let's dance.”
20.The Democratic Republic of Rainbow BananaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“The only rainbow bananas are those made of unicorns”
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