by Max Barry

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The Most Extreme in The Walbard Union

The World Census ranked nations on the basis of how odd, extreme, or fundamentalist their social, economic, and political systems are.

As a region, The Walbard Union is ranked 13,126th in the world for Most Extreme.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The Fylkirdom of Althyda SveaLeft-wing Utopia“För Svearna, med tiden”
22.The Scientific Utopia of ThingytownCivil Rights Lovefest“If you can think it, you can build it”
23.The Republic of FaferoniLeft-wing Utopia“Mmmmhm forkrs,world box hmmm.”
24.The United States of Sha Na NaCorrupt Dictatorship“Do wop be bop”
25.The Republic of NorundestCompulsory Consumerist State“From Many, One”
26.The Holy Empire of SamivilliqualigabriklandFather Knows Best State“Crazy? I was crazy once.”
27.The Democratic States of Goning gyattIron Fist Consumerists“We goon”
28.The Protectorate of Prince CharlesCorporate Bordello“For Emperor and Empire!”
29.The People's Republic of AweriaDemocratic Socialists“Unity, Discipline, Work”
30.The Federation of NacradLeft-Leaning College State“Humani generis bonum”