by Max Barry

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The Most Advanced Defense Forces in the West Pacific

Nations ranked highly spend the most on national defense, and are most secure against foreign aggression.

As a region, the West Pacific is ranked 7,736th in the world for Most Advanced Defense Forces.

NationWA CategoryMotto
3,761.The Free Land of RobbytopiaAnarchy“Live and Let Live”
3,762.The Republic of LinseeNew York Times Democracy“The fly of the birds is like our freedom”
3,763.The Republic of Bog EasyInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Never trust a beetleworx!”
3,764.The Federation of PidorCivil Rights Lovefest“Smith's ”
3,765.The Queendom of VelvelethLiberal Democratic Socialists“Strength in Unity”
3,766.The Republic of Test2222222Anarchy“Aa”
3,767.The Most Serene Republic of Nouvelle AcadianaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Justice, Faith, Power”
3,768.The Republic of Sustainable DevelopmentNew York Times Democracy“Love all, cherish all”
3,769.The Community of Christmas ColdScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Hohoho”
3,770.The Democratic States of WoodhavenScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Compassion and Security For All”
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