by Max Barry

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The Highest Drug Use in United States of America

World Census experts sampled many cakes of dubious content to determine which nations' citizens consume the most recreational drugs.

As a region, United States of America is ranked 10,058th in the world for Highest Drug Use.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Queendom of MetchleyAnarchy“From Many, One”
2.The Nixon-McCarthy Dystopia of Greater Continental AmericaAnarchy“Liberty & Justice for All”
3.The State of D4FalLeft-Leaning College State“To Love, Liberty and Live”
4.The State of Porto CayenneAnarchy“Merry White Christmas”
5.The Queen's State of Prime UnitedAnarchy“State”
6.The State of Afghanestan StateAnarchy“Nation”
7.The Queendom of Zhong Guo StateAnarchy“Nation”
8.The State of Jack BristowAnarchy“State of Affaires”
9.The State of Sable CatalunyaAnarchy“State”
10.The State of Treaty of 1763Civil Rights Lovefest“Island Hope”
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