by Max Barry

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The Largest Cheese Export Sector in Wysteria

Qualified World Census Cheese Masters nibbled their way across the globe to determine which nations have the most developed cheese exports.

As a region, Wysteria is ranked 436th in the world for Largest Cheese Export Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Indomitable Borderlands of The GrendelsCompulsory Consumerist State“The Paragon of Corporate Power and Style since 2002.”
2.The Richly Blended Peoples of KoffeeCapitalist Paradise“Guns, Germs, Steel, and really smooth Mochas!”
3.The Godless Mercantile Nexus of Isla VistaCompulsory Consumerist State“Where churches are charged with fraud and racketeering!”
4.The Dominion of Complete BastardsIron Fist Consumerists“We don't want the world, we just want your half.”
5.The Grotesque Playground of MackintoshCorporate Police State“Success is knowing who to blame for your failures.”
6.The Republic of MiratejoCompulsory Consumerist State“Aqui quem se lixa é o mexilhão!”
7.The Grand Duchy of MarldeepNew York Times Democracy“Eh, whatever”
8.The Dominion of The CaptainCorporate Police State“A friendly place for the upper class”
9.The Wet Coast Hockey Republic of Go Canucks GoCapitalist Paradise“Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, good bye!”
10.The Twin Island Queendom of Masaka and KorganoInoffensive Centrist Democracy“We Are Waking”