by Max Barry

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World Assembly Delegates

The World Assembly has 19,046 member nations and 925 Regional Delegates.

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NationWA CategoryMotto
The Tripartite of Wolfs BrigadeCorporate Bordello“Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack”
The Resurrected Ancient Ruins of WonGyaCivil Rights Lovefest“Virtue through duty and honor”
The Most Serene Republic of WozmaniaDemocratic Socialists“We shall make it the greatest nation on NationStates”
The Empire of WyrmheimPsychotic Dictatorship“God bless the Emperor and the Dragons”
The Kingdom of XaluniaIron Fist Consumerists“Be a voice, not an echo”
The Federated Democratic States of XanthalScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Many Nations, One Federation”
The Republic of XlimaPsychotic Dictatorship“May the fox guide all of us to hope”
The New Pacific Ocelot Empress of XorietDemocratic Socialists“Justice Upon All.”
The Fleet Alliance of XvraksScandinavian Liberal Paradise“A Fleet Assembled by and for its people”
The Republic of YammmyNew York Times Democracy“If the wind doesn't blow, we row our way.”
The Empire of YaseeniaNew York Times Democracy“Yaseenia, the better life !”
The Republic of Yellow Rose 1Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“From Many, One”
The Post-Apocalyptic Empire of YermaneyDemocratic Socialists“remember the dead, but fight for the living”
The Scalepile of Yissing ScaliesLibertarian Police State“We rise again to protect our ancient homeland...”
The Democratic Republic of YormungandaDemocratic Socialists“Stop with Taxes!”
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