by Max Barry

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Maps of the World

RegionMapAuthorship NationMap Weight
Far East Oriental FederationFlagThe Glorious Republic of Vanuzgard2,294
EuropeFlagPuppet State 5072,238
TwoFlagThe Cyan-Depleted Cartridges of Printer22,178
WintreathFlagJusticialist Peronia2,128
Valley of PeaceFlagOogway1,951
SophiaFlagThe Republic of Husrien1,914
Covenant ShoresFlagThe Holy Theocratic Kingdom of Tradila1,847
EuropeiaFlagThe Empire of Great Thandoria1,753
Union of Allied StatesFlagThe Open Principality of Eco-Paris Reformation1,635
AnaiaFlagThe NS Sports Contenders of Anaia Region1,555
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