by Max Barry

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Looking for Frontend people

by Roavin
Sun, 24 Mar 2024

Have you ever just ... stared at a pixel?

Back in ye olden days of 2002, to see a website, you'd stare at the equivalent of a window pane in a gray heavy plastic box, and if you looked closely (and disregarded any concerns for the well-being of your eyes), you could actually see that even a white pixel is just red, green, and blue, in varying intensity. Just incredible! But if a pixel looked wrong, I could say "yeah, that looks wrong", and that's it. Some people, however, have this innate intuition to say "add some blue to this pink to make it more bleen to fit in with the heroboxsectionfooterheaderwidget". If that's you, then do I ever have some news for you!

NationStates is looking to bring in some frontend expertise - people that can make things look pretty, design good user interfaces, and make sure the site is accessible to everyone. It's the perfect role for you if you:

  • Immediately know how to make any wrong pixel look better

  • Open NationStates and think the default theme is, like, so 2013

  • Have always been bothered by that one button on that one page that's somehow in the most unintuitive place

  • Spend your free time checking out the week's hottest new CSS frameworks

  • Scream in despair at the icon fonts all across NationStates' buttons

  • Remember what the web looked like in 2002, and want to do everything in your power to eliminate every last trace of it

  • Want to bolster your CV by showing how you gave NationStates that rizz (or however the kids say these days)

You would move at your own pace and be largely free to choose what you work on, though in many cases you'll also be working together with one or more techies to get something done.

If this sounds like your kind of thing, check out the details here!