by Max Barry

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The United Islands of the Atlantic PollsAll Polls

The United Islands of the AtlanticSatan Plays the Numbers:Day 1

Graag brom wrote:As part of a new arrangement between the regional government and some honest Québécois businessmen, for the next week a game of chance will be run here in the United Islands of the Atlantic, with 10$ to place a bet on a winning number in exchange for ten times that amount if you get it right! A record of balances will be kept via RMB posts from yours truly and a winning number for the day selected once the choice period for each day ends, all identified members of the region and of the Discord have automatically been added to the "book." In addition, as part of a loyalty incentive program, all those with nations in the region will receive an automatic bonus of 10$ to their balance. [Disclaimer:No IRL money is involved in this, it is advised to stay away from actual gambling for the health of one's mental state and wallet. If you like this, I'd suggest The Sands' regions polls for ya as they do such things quite regularly.]

Voting opened 3 years 290 days ago and closed . Open to all nations. You cannot vote as you are not logged in.