by Max Barry

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Region: Eetrador

An age of darkness has fallen upon Eetrador. God Emperor save us.

In the year of our God Emperor 2018 on the 16th of May, the Eetradorian Civil War reached its darkest stage.

With Project Utopia secured by the the Empire of the Empire of Utopian Cheese and the Occluded Empire of Vecna, their power became nearly unstoppable. Legatus Maximus Falkor Havarti Vinolo, The Supreme Archgouda stayed upon the newly secured Project Utopia, and broadcasted the following message to all of Eetrador: "You have all witnessed the power of this fully operational super-weapon. All traitors who dare stand in our way shall meet the same fate as the Covenant of the Sun Bros: complete annihilation. Dycetrolux, we want you to watch what happens next, and know that you are our third target. There will be no mercy this time."

With that, Project Utopia was swiftly recharged and aimed at the Unceasing Tide of Islam. If they loved battle so much, the Supreme Archgouda proclaimed that they shall meet their end in battle. Thus, completed Project Utopia was fired for a second time, and another nation was permanently cleansed by the dread power of Project Utopia.

The glassing of The Unceasing Tide of Islam.

While another nation was obliterated, Just Chilling was left without the guidance of God Emperor Dennis. All hope of defeating the EEUC and Vecna seemed lost, and the citizens of Just Chilling took to the streets and joined in mass prayers for the safety of their God Emperor.

Only a few hours later, the Supreme Archgouda decided to fire Project Utopia once again. Though the super-weapon was now fine-tuned, a few hours was nowhere near a safe enough amount of time to allow for recharging. However, the Supreme Archgouda demanded swift justice for Dycetrolux, and ordered the weapon to be fired despite the warnings he received from Vecna's engineers. Thus, the weapon was fired at Dycetrolux...and the targeting system malfunctioned. The weapon was completely off-target, and by a stroke of great misfortune Project Utopia instead fired upon the Great Annullus Prism, a recent acquisition of the Corporate Imperium of Dyzistrolux. It was completely annihilated, and to make things worse the nuclear thrusters of the Great Annullus Prism detonated in a chain reaction, and the resulting massive nuclear explosion also destroyed dozens of nearby satellites belonging to Dyzistrolux, sending debris and profits hurtling down into the atmosphere.

The annihilation of the Great Annullus Prism.

With this, darkness fell over the region of Eetrador. The fear of Project Utopia's ultimate power was immense, and its increasingly erratic use by the Supreme Archgouda meant that anyone could be the next target. However, two miracles also occurred: one, Project Utopia was rendered temporarily inoperable by the strain the Supreme Archgouda was putting on it. Two, in the late hours of the day glorious news hit the God Emperor's Commune of Just Chilling: God Emperor Dennis was alive.

God Emperor Dennis was left mortally wounded by his crash. However, Just Chilling's best doctors and AI scientists managed to connect Dennis to what has been dubbed the "Eternal Throne." While sitting upon it, Dennis's body will slowly die, but his mind will be preserved within a highly advanced virtual reality within the throne. God Emperor Dennis will soon be able to provide leadership to his frightened people once again. Though this news warmed the hearts of those in Just Chilling, there was still one thought looming across all of Eetrador: is it even possible to defeat the combined might of the EEUC and Vecna?

God Emperor Dennis has survived, and now sits upon the Eternal Throne.

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