by Max Barry

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Region: Concorde

August 10th, 1930

Fighting Ends

Nordaxican leadership reports the fighting on the island of Paradis has ended, with the Vertannian troops being completely defended. The survivors, who represent 40% of the garrison, will be kept on the island in order for the Nordaxican occupation to better understand the island layout and the citizens that they must now take care of. Civilian casualties have reportedly been kept to a minimum. Vertannian citizens will not be allowed to leave the island, due to the oppressive nature of their government. It is feared if Vertannian citizens are allowed to leave and choose not to, their families may suffer direct harm at the hands of their government. Citizens from all other nations will be allowed to leave the island, while citizens specifically from the nations mentioned below will be forced to leave the island. This forced migration does not apply to Nordaxican mainland.

  • Cybertechnologies corporation

  • Uspua republic

  • The Former Alecition Lands

The Nordaxican government has urged this publication to put an end to rumors claiming that the Nordaxican Federal Army has been rounding up citizens from countries such as Arstonia or the tribes of Vyannor and executing or displacing them. They claim these are simply malicious attempts to discredit the peace-keeping mission of Nordaxica. Foreign investigators and emissaries are still being forbidden from setting foot on the island, due to fears of Vertannian guerrilla bands attacking the mission. It is estimated the island will be completely stabilized within one month, after which foreign emissaries will be allowed on the island to confirm the citizens are being treated fairly.

Cybertechnologies corporation, White science, and Nymareg
