by Max Barry

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Region: Geopolity

Western afrika

Some Information Released for Project 001

The first project under President Madaki has been quiet to the public recently. That was, until some information about the city was released just yesterday. The first information is that the city will cause a huge job spike, although no word has been released on the exact numbers. President Madaki said that West Africans will come first and foremost for the jobs, as long as they meet the requirements. Another piece of information is that the city is planned to be around 1,140km˛ (440mi˛) in area. With a planned 30 year timeline laid ahead, the city will be done is sectors. The cost of the city has not been disclosed to the public. President Madaki has also brought in North China (The rexist rijk) to help build the city. He states that is it needed help, but also strengthens ties with the nation.
