by Max Barry

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Region: Lazarus

Loftegen 2 wrote:"Sorry to interrupt you, Lady, but there's been a zombie outbreak in Sinyal." The words were spoken by an acolyte who approached her in her library.

"<censored> me!" the Lady exclaimed, throwing up her hands. "Are they realistic zombies or fantasy zombies?" she demanded, sounding none too pleased with the acolyte.

"Fantasy zombies, Lady: the Sinyalians claim a virus is responsible, but these seem to be corpses reanimated by unknown means," the acolyte answered.

"Well, if you already knew that, why isn't Team Z on its way to Sinyal to deal with them?" The Lady's normally black eyes were flickering with red light, a sure sign she was furious.

The acolyte backed away nervously. "I'll dispatch them at once, Lady," he said, before fleeing from her presence.

She glared after him, then picked up what she had been working on. 'Where was I,' she thought. 'Oh, right. An eight letter word for a street vendor's vehicle.'

A peculiar aircraft that resembled a cross between a V-22 Osprey and a Flying Hunter Killer from the Terminator franchise raced toward Au'Rahabar, the capital of Sinyal, carrying the six members of Team Z.

A blonde woman known only as Kára, whose name meant 'the wild, stormy one', was flying the ship, imaginatively called a Valkyie. Behind her in the passenger compartment were:

Firecracker: the team leader, whose favorite attack was dual-wielding automatic pistols that fired explosive-incinidiary projectiles.

Thunder: a large man who carried a sonic cannon set to the resonance frequency of human bone.

Lightning: Thunder's maybe sister, able to generate bolts of her namesake at will, as well as other phenomena.

The White Witch: an expert in natural magic, healing, and augmentation, who could also turn and/or dismiss the undead.

The Black Knight: a power-armor clad warrior with pulse jets in his boots, pulse cannons on his wrists, and a big-ass sword and shield on his back.

"On target in thirty minutes," Kára reported. Firecracker grinned. "Oh, yeah!" he exclaimed.
