by Max Barry

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Region: United Nations UN

The Champalan Champion

As of this issue of the fair Champion, the Azaltanian Navy has officially gone... on strike, we guess one could call it. This comes after a series of events that appear to be from a really badly written film. Since so much has happened since the last issue, the Champion has taken it upon itself to provide readers with a small timeline of events.

1. Stanton Kor, democratically elected President from the NUP; announces a series of reforms aimed at enlightening the public and diversifying the economy into something less reliant on fishing. In doing so, the President cut funding to and decided to downsize the Navy.
2. The Naval High Command protested this action, citing that the Azaltanian Navy was the only arm of the Military with sufficient enough funding to exist and providing evidence of such as the small and kind of defanged National Army, which had been downsized so much over the past few years it's more of a incredibly militarized police force with a lot of heavy weaponry. Naval Command was issued a direct order via President Kor to, and quote "Stop being greedy," and told to stand themselves down.
3. The Navy refused to budge itself, stating that the Navy would not follow "unlawful orders" since the Naval Downsizing Bill had not been officially passed, despite incredible support from the members of the Legislature. This however, was countered by the fact that despite the downsizing not being official, the President is still Sovereign Commander.
4. Early in the morning on another day of silent words between both sides, the Azaltanian Naval Vessels officially in port raised their anchor and proceeded to anchor themselves out in the inland sea, blocking access to the larger inlet and ocean going waters via blocking the strait. A ocean going could look out over the water and see a few metal islands out among the natural islands.

The ships have gone radio silent, but no further moves have been made. On behalf of either side. Who knows how long this standoff could last? However we have been told that Police Units are one their way to Naval Command along with some career bureaucrats in an attempt to end this "strike"... or "rebellion" in anyway they can.

