by Max Barry

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Region: Geopolity


Valeria Makonnen Conventsiya Federatsiyaya Frontrunner

Valeria Makonnen, the sister of former Emperor Ras Taffari Makonnen, has become the new favorite to become the Imperial sovereign of Infiny. The 28-years old princess has spent most of her life in high society, with her brother being elected prime minister, president, and emperor sequentially.

For months, it seems like incumbent Empress Valeria Jezici-Makonnen would be re-elected. However, after a shocking announcement, the Empress has declined another term because she claimed she lacked the democratic legitimacy necessarily to solidly entrench democracy in Infiny.

Valeria has described herself earlier as a liberal social democrat in a popular Infinian magazine. She’s associated herself with the left-most wing of the PNP, a party known for its green politics, high individual liberty, and pacifism. However, Valeria has been critical of Infinian foreign policy, highly believing in ‘Infinian exceptionalism,’ and quoting ‘ultimately, only Infiny is responsible for keeping Infiny alive.’

Her prominence might indicate a troubled Federal Convention. The Strava ye Waciliya has to be unanimous in their nomination, and some people have indicated that they are troubled voting for Valeria as the next monarch of Infiny. Several states, particularly the conservative state of Luo, has stated that it ‘feels strong reservations voting for someone who can’t unite Infiny.’

Eulumia, Novaya rossiyskaya imperiya, and Central America Federation
