by Max Barry

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Region: The Security Council

Rule 4 wrote:I went missing for 2.5 years so I'm not the best person to ask on trends. The SC, like anywhere, can go through fads. One person passes a symbolic resolution, then everyone wants a go. It dies out quickly enough once everyone gets tired of them and the regulars shout them down.

Rule 4 caused massive divisions in the SC when it was implemented, as gameplayers felt they were being marginalised in favour of a forced RP style to make GA players less unhappy about the introduction of the SC.

Long-term that's worn off. Gameplayers are more than capable of passing well-written resolutions in the language they want to use, oh, and GA players for the most part still dislike the SC.


Yes, and to fully understand Rule IV you probably need to understand that "Gameplay" forum at the time was widely ignored. When it was used, it was used for recruiting (standard recruiting back then was manual telegrams, RMB posts in GCRs, and gameplay threads). Rule IV and Crazy Girl's push to bring Gameplay to widespread use were roughly in the same time period. The SC was the first place GPers came together to discuss events. When some big event in TEP happens today, we go to the TEP thread in Gameplay. Back then, those threads looked like... viewtopic.php?f=12&t=6894 so we would make an SC condemnation about the mad lad that couped TSP and that gave us a place to talk about it on the forums. When they took that away from us more or less we thought it was back to the bad old days of only hanging out together in big IRC channels. In actuality most of the SC activity (and then some more) went to Gameplay.

That's an element I feel like personally people miss when they look back at the early SC. Gameplay forum was not so hulky at the time.
