by Max Barry

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Region: Anteria

Trident union

Trident News Network
Your daily news network, 24/7
Today's top stories are…

TIFAS Plane Shot Down Over Anavero
PINAL CITY - The Trident International Foreign Aid Service released information regarding the destruction of a humanitarian aid plane over the skies of Anavero. In a convoy of six planes, one plane was destroyed, resulting in the loss of seven Trident lives.

TIFAS was flying missions for nearly three weeks, though they have been canceled with this news. Authorized by Prime Minister Jeanne Milgorn, they flew in cleared airspace by the Dem. Rep. of Anavero (DRA). Reports from TIFAS show that “TIFAS was still warned about the dangers of flying with limited SAM protection, and was still ordered to continue missions despite the risk.” Further information in the report showed that most squadrons equipped limited amount of flares.

Current Prime Minister Jeanne Milgorn has been criticized around the board, especially important with elections being held today. “PM Milgorn’s actions were incredibly unsafe and irresponsible. The Anaverons have stated that foreign planes would be shot down, and yet Milgorn did not employ even basic protections against surface to air missiles which downed the plane and the valiant souls.”

Barglerin has promised to “end these reckless missions and assist the people of Anavero through safer and more efficient means.” Both candidates announced sanctions on the People’s Republic of Anavero (PRA), though they will take place depending on who is elected. Barglerin’s sanctions are far more severe, along with humanitarian support for the DRA through safe means.

Voting in June 2022 Elections Begin
ARDO - Today, thousands have rushed to the polling booths to cast their vote in the June 2022 election. Being held twice every year, this month's election will be a close one between incumbent prime minister Jeanne Milgorn, opposition candidate Grimpoplian Barglerin, and falling in popularity candidate Ismordo Letranii.

Letranii is projected to win a miniscule amount of voters, less than his original number of supporters due to the fatal flaw of skipping out on half the June 2022 debate. This leaves the majority of the population choosing between Milgorn or Barglerin.

Workplaces have rolling schedules, allowing the government sanctioned four hour break to vote. With a traditional custom of civic responsibility in the Union, we expect some of the highest turnouts for voting this month.

Other news…
- Trident Defense Force planning to debut new radar system in a month
- Opinion: Trident lives shouldn’t be going into Anavero

Sorlyset, Hoterallia, Gran rugido, and Anavero
