The King sits in his royal office, within the corridors of the Parliament building. He has come to a decision that in order to finally stabilize the nation, he must refound the K.I.A or Kiago Intelligence Agency, An agency which was rid of by King Leopold the II over 50 years ago due to instability and radical nature of the K.I.A. Even now, Older Kiagoan's in their 60s or over remember the K.I.A as a brutal internal agency. But if it must be done...
And so, the K.I.A is reborn. The new General Secretary is Black Zothique Kiago Native Morris Withers, a man with 44 years of military service ever since joining the Kiago Army at only 18. Ever since he has dedicated his life to the Kiago Army, and only a few years ago he was promoted to General.
SIC: Hours after the formation, Several Major figures in notable cartels, including those sponsored by Lageos. After a few days of operations, Cartel activities have decreased by 18%.