by Max Barry

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Region: Barbaria

Sovern wrote:IC: "Your terms are acceptable, ten miles will be sufficient enough to keep the peace, and providing financial compensation to Bokongo will suffice the loss of life and property during the conflict. In that case, I believe both parties should maintain a channel of communication. President Agga Buskacaga, is there anything you'd like to add before we get into the more extensive terms of our peace agreement?" Kaiser Otto gestures towards the President of Bokongo to say his peace.

IC: President Buskacaga makes a remark on the topic of war reparations, "...For the loss of life and property during the conflict, I believe the most reasonable estimate I'm willing on settling on is approximately one-hundred billion and fifty-thousand (100,000,050,000) Kilmas. It will take half of that to rebuild what infrastructure was damaged, and to properly accommodate the kin of the deceased who bravely defended their land. As long as Lageos could commit to that, we will recognize your rightful ownership and annexation of northern Bokongo, which I should remind you is half of our nation's total land was taken. I can find it in confidence that Kaiser Otto could agree on me with that."
