by Max Barry

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Region: Barbaria

Athant wrote:IC: "Athantian Restoration of Minor Arcadia"

As the last of Barrackaland's government, institutions, and military dissolve before the eyes of the Athantians, King Constantine III. lead his forces into Minor Arcadia, and purged the last of the Barracki. Accompanied by forces from Malulota, the coalition aims at avenging their fallen ancestors by completely wiping out every Barracki in sight. Just as the Barracki crucified the Malulotans, they were crucified one by one, until there were none left to torment. The mosques were burned to the ground, and new churches dedicated to the true God were built in their place. The cities and towns they built were reduced to rubble, and new cities and towns were built for Athantians and Malulotans. Men, women, and even children were not spared for the crimes of their sickening ancestors, for they shall know the pain that millions were forced to bare. This open genocide was flaunted by the same soldiers who encompass the wrath, and share glory as there are no Barracki left. Ancient lands were rightfully returned, and that's all that matters...

As the Barracki state finally capitulates underneath the conquest from the Athantian-Malulotan joint invasion, the territory was divided up according to historical claims brought by multiple nations. What was considered core Athantian territory was returned, as well as historic lands belonging to the Malulotans. The Lyyrians were granted independence, and the core territory they possessed prior, and in addition the people of Uradaca were granted independence. An official envoy was sent by Athant to Uradaca in the opportunity to establish cordial relations.
