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Post by New Sortvibelo suppressed by a moderator.
Original oq
"Era uma vez um mexilhão feio, ele era tão feio que todo mundo um fantoche de Miokandia morreu"
2050-2054, 2°Mandato do Doutor Fran.
O Mandato Daniel Fraga 2054-2056
2056-2060, ANCAPBrasil, até que as companhias falem, e Enaldinho é eleito presidente, unificando toda a América do Sul, Central, Caribe e o México, criando a República Federativa da América(RFA).
A RFA se torna a maior economia do mundo no Governo Enaldinho(2060-2065). Enaldinho decide não se reeleger, devido a idade.
Laura Bolsonaro é eleita presidente, sendo a segunda mulher presidente do Brasil(Dilma é pioneira, KKKKK), e primeira presidente da RFA, ficando 2 mandatos no poder(2065-2070, 2070-2075).
JP(do canal Maria Clara e JP) é eleito presidente do Brasil, ficando também por 2 mandatos(2075-2080,2080-2085).
F pro sagrado útero
Resumidamente, uma "influencercracia", com exceção de Governo Laura, pois a Laura é de uma família que já pertencia a política pré-Doutor Fran.
The discovery of gold in the Minas Gerais region at the end of the 17th century transformed the captaincy into one of the main economic hubs of colonial Brazil. The gold rush attracted thousands of people from different parts of the Portuguese empire, generating explosive population growth. Small towns grew rapidly, becoming urban centers such as Vila Rica (now Ouro Preto) and Mariana.
The Portuguese Crown implemented a rigid structure to ensure that most of the gold was sent to the metropolis. This system was essential for Portugal's economic reconstruction and for paying off debts to other powers, such as England.
"O Quinto" (fifth) Which Where 20% of all gold was confiscated in the form of this tax directly to Portuga
"Derrama" (something like spill) When the annual collection of the quinto did not reach the stipulated target, the deficit was compulsorily collected from the miners, often leading them to ruin.
In addition, the Portuguese Crown took a series of measures aimed at preventing the economy of Minas Gerais from diversifying and prospering by keeping it economically dependent on other captaincies such as São Paulo and Bahia.
In reality, the Inconfidents were strongly repressed by Portuguese forces Because one of the revolutionaries ended up denouncing the movement and the leaders of the revolution like Tiradentes were killed or imprisoned. So Brazil remained under Portuguese rule for another century.
POV:this country takes place in a reality where the inconfident revolution was successful
The Victory of Inconfidents
In 1789, led by figures such as Tiradentes, Cláudio Manuel da Costa and Tomás Antônio Gonzaga, the inconfidentes organized a movement to break away from Portuguese rule. Fueled by Iluminists ideals and inspired by the Independence of the United States (1776), they planned the independence of the captaincy of Minas Gerais.
The inconfidentes planned their actions clandestinely, meeting in the homes of trusted allies and strategic locations in and around Vila Rica (now Ouro Preto). These meetings were held in secret to avoid surveillance by the colonial authorities and agents of the Portuguese Crown. Tiradentes then obtained great support from the elites of Minas Gerais, who were tired of the submission and exploitation imposed by the Portuguese.
With this, the group secretly recruited miners, especially the victims of the “Derrama”, to join the revolution, So in 1792 With force and the support of the population, the Inconfidentes violently took control of the city of Vila Rica.The rebellion took the Portuguese guards by surprise, and they had to face several civilians who fought with what they had. Then the Portuguese army that was in Vila Rica was captured and the Inconfidentes got a bigger arsenal.
Joaquim Silvério dos Reis, the man responsible for denouncing the revolution to the authorities, was brutally murdered by the Inconfidentes when they discovered that he had denounced them and told the Portuguese Crown that Vila Rica had been captured.
Before the Portuguese forces arrived, the Inconfidentes obtained support from other captaincies such as São Paulo and Bahia, who fought alongside the Inconfidentes in the Battle of Rio de Janeiro.
The Inconfidentes from Minas Gerais and São Paulo, along with several slaves from Bahia, then captured several farmlands and villages around Rio de Janeiro. Portugal knew that the Inconfidentes would attack Rio de Janeiro, which was under siege by the Inconfidentes. There was a bloody battle in Rio de Janeiro. The inconfidentes then took control of Rio de Janeiro after several days of bloody battles in Rio de Janeiro.
Now, with the full support of the people of Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Bahia and the newly dominated Rio de Janeiro, Tiradentes, the Leader of the Inconfidencia, proclaimed the Republic of Minas Gerais, under the motto "Liberdade ainda que Tardia" Which means Freedom however late.
The constitution of the new state was based on Iluminists principles, preaching equality, freedom of expression and an end to the privileges of the colonial aristocracy. Slavery, however, remained a controversial issue; although there were discussions about abolishing it, the economy of Minas Gerais still depended on slave labor. Where Tiradentes was the First president.
Within a few years, this revolution caused the other captaincies to revolt against the Portuguese crown, which signed an agreement with the Republic of Minas Gerais in which Portugal would recognize the country's independence if it did not help or encourage revolts in the other captaincies.
Even so, within a few years, Bahia and Rio de Janeiro, which were economically large, also revolted against Portugal around the beginning of 1800. However, Portugal was unable to react to the rebellions in Rio de Janeiro and Bahia due to Napoleon's invasion of Portugal. In our reality, the Portuguese court fled to Brazil to avoid being captured by Napoleon Bonaparte, but Rio de Janeiro, Bahia and Minas Gerais created the “Brazilian Confederation”. With the ideal of a Brazil unified by republican ideals. The Portuguese royal family was forced to recognize the Brazilian Confederation in exchange for financial compensation to Portugal.
Brazil in 19th century
Under the republican government, the Brazilian Confederation took a different path from that of the then Empire of Brazil. Without a centralizing monarch, the captaincies functioned as autonomous states, united by a federal government in Vila Rica. Mining continued as the economic base, but trade diversified and efforts to industrialize the country began earlier.
The abolitionist movement gained strength in the mid-19th century. With a republican government that was more open to progressive ideas, slavery was abolished in 1850, decades ahead of historical reality.
Brazil would then soon become a much more prosperous and stronger country than it was in our reality, as well as industrializing much earlier than it did in reality and abolishing slavery much earlier than it did in real life.
The victory of the Inconfidência Mineira positioned Brazil as a republican leader in South America. It inspired revolts in nearby Spanish colonies and contributed to the collapse of colonial monarchies in the region. Brazil supported the revolts of other Latin American countries against the Spanish Crown. Additionally, the early independence allowed Brazil to occupy a prominent position on the international stage as a defender of freedom and democracy
Vcs acham que eu consegui ser minimamente realista?
De certa forma eu acho que sim. Mas considerando as guerras de independência da américa espanhola, eu acho mais realista um cenário de independência do Brasil ou alguma região brasileira durante período das guerras napoleônicas, com Portugal já invadido. Entretanto, com São Paulo, Minas Gerais e Bahia como parte da revolta eu não acho que seria tão surreal a rebelião ser bem sucedida.
Já sobre a parte da Confederação Brasileira, a Argentina tentou uma confederação no início mas não deu muito certo por la... Pode ser que algum centro urbano muito populoso como o Rio de Janeiro, que nem Buenos Aires na Argentina, lutasse para centralizar o poder, o que pode causar instabilidades e até uma ou mais guerras civis, como causou na Argentina.
Enfim, é isso que eu acho dentro do meu conhecimento histórico.
Enaldinho volta ao poder em 2085, com o jingle vargista(nome certo?) "O Sorriso do Velhinho" e fica no poder até 2090
Pedido de entrada a Aliança dos Trabalhadores
Com a recente criação de Miokomida e seu desenvolvimeto precoce, pedimos a entrada para a Aliança dos Trabalhadores, precisamos de um estímulo econômico e social imenso.
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