by Max Barry

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General Secretary (Governor): The Technocratic Republic of Deublin

WA Delegate (non-executive): The Doot of MLGDogeland (elected )

Founder: The Technocratic Republic of Deublin

Last WA Update:

World Factbook Entry

    Welcome to Carina, a future-tech roleplay and worldbuilding region.



LinkEntering a new era of exploration, the young civilizations
of the galaxy take their first of many steps into the empty
black unaware of the ancient threat that lies in the Space Between.

Announcements: N/A
Roleplay Events: None

Resources: Rules | LinkDiscord | Map

Embassies: New World Union, The Flower of the Dawn, Bluecrown Keep, The Embassy, The Multiversal Tavern, The Dogeland Alliance, United Confederation of Planets, New West Conifer, Circumference, Isle Of Wooloo Kingdom, Vultune, Colony of Dubwoolia, The Astral Express, and Just relax.

Tags: Anti-Fascist, Future Tech, LGBT, Medium, Multi-Species, and Role Player.

Carina contains 35 nations, the 714th most in the world.


Today's World Census Report

The Largest Timber Woodchipping Industry in Carina

The World Census measured the rate of desertification in order to calculate which nations have the largest timber industry.

As a region, Carina is ranked 6,726th in the world for Largest Timber Woodchipping Industry.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Federative Soviet Republic of Third Soviet UnionInoffensive Centrist Democracy“For Mother Russia”
2.The Carina Entity of Baloo Kingdom Diplomat VIIMoralistic Democracy“Diplomacy at its finest...”
3.The Eboshian Empire of The Real UndergroundInoffensive Centrist Democracy“It is Our Duty As a Nation to Protect People”
4.The Uhhhhh of OMG IS THAT A WAIFUAuthoritarian Democracy“what”
5.The Rhenish Grand Principality of Rosechloss CarinaCapitalist Paradise“Carina, Carina, Carina”
6.The Republic of EshearaCorporate Bordello“Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité”
7.The Doot of MLGDogelandDemocratic Socialists“*gonk*”
8.The Democratic Republic of -DPRK KoreaIron Fist Consumerists“Strength Through Compliance”
9.The Eeveelinia of Persian United RepublicInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Eevees of the World Unite”
10.The Lady Bonajade of Credit of North GoguryeoMother Knows Best State“An investment isn't charity. Don't lose sight of that.”

Regional Happenings


Carina Regional Message Board

[] Business Across The Stars [] Carina Main RP []

The galaxy is a vast place, full of untold wonders and possibilities in a never-ending black void in all directions. The Kwelahn were a relatively young race on the galactic stage, but they saw endless possibilities for friendship and profit in this wide new world they have only just begun to explore five decades prior. Already with 20 planets under their belt, they longed for more opportunities for trade and business, looking out beyond their borders to the rest of the Orion Arm.

In the hopes of meeting new potential business partners, or at least finding new planets to settle and extract for profit, the Kwelahn have sent out expeditions of eight merchant destroyers each in all directions, repeating messages of peace and desire for business to any planets and potential ships they come across.

"Hello, potential friends! We are the Kwelahn of the Kwelahn Merchant Confederation! We have come here in peace with only a desire to trade, salvage, and profit together in a partnership that will only benefit both of our nations! Ships, reactors, automatons, you name it, Kwelahn have it! So please, contact us at the provided frequency to set up relations and business at your earliest convenience!"

Free Jovian Republic

Monti alt

1 bil pop

HAPPY 2025!

New Year's Greetings from the United Confederation of Planets
To our Regional Allies, Partners and Embassies.

As we mark the transition to a new year, we at the United Confederation would like to send our heartfelt wishes for peace, prosperity and unity to all corners of the vast and never-ending multiverse.

This year has been marked by unprecedented progress in diplomacy for the UCP, with new alliances being forged and old ties being strengthened.

Together, we have proven that dialogue and mutual respect are the most powerful tools to overcome challenges and build bridges between regions.

In the coming year, we will intensify our efforts to promote regional development and strengthen our inter-regional ties.

On behalf of the United Confederation of Planets, we wish you a prosperous New Year. May the stars always shine upon your path.

Best regards,

Secretary of Diplomacy
United Confederation of Planets

Чрезвычайное положение!
A State of Emergency!

-Союз Советских Социалистических Республик-
-Union of Soviet Socialist Republics-

As Premier Dimitri Kiyelevyaynen attended a high-profile diplomatic meeting in Moscow, a single gunshot shattered the evening calm, echoing ominously through the city’s historic streets. The commotion that followed was as swift as it was shocking: the Premier had been assassinated, shot in the head at close range. His death was instantaneous, leaving the nation reeling in disbelief. The once-unshakable confidence of the Soviet leadership faltered as the implications of the event became clear. Within hours, the KGB launched an expansive and unprecedented nationwide manhunt for the assassin. Agents swarmed the streets, checkpoints materialized overnight, and an air of paranoia began to seep into every corner of the USSR. The Supreme Soviet and the Communist Party convened emergency sessions, their corridors now filled with hushed debates and hurried whispers. The sudden and violent death of Premier Kiyelevyaynen had thrown the Union into uncharted political chaos.

In a desperate bid to restore order and maintain control, the Supreme Soviet took immediate action. A resolution to impose martial law was introduced and passed with near-unanimous approval. This drastic measure temporarily transferred the Premier's executive powers to the Supreme Soviet. Under the decree, strict curfews were enforced, rationing intensified, and the KGB was granted sweeping authority to patrol the streets and detain anyone deemed suspicious. The sight of agents in their signature dark coats, flanked by armed soldiers, became an unsettling but common sight in cities and towns across the Union. Yet, despite the government’s efforts to contain the situation, news of the assassination spread like wildfire—both within the USSR and beyond its borders. By dawn, the global media had seized the story, and broadcasts carried the grim headlines to living rooms from London to New York. The once-unyielding Soviet state now appeared vulnerable, its image of strength marred by the sudden loss of its leader.

The interim Emergency Government, composed of senior members of the Politburo and the Supreme Soviet, faced mounting pressure. Every decision was scrutinized; every word carried weight. They knew the eyes of the world were upon them. In an effort to maintain transparency—or at least the appearance of it—they scheduled a public address to confront the growing tide of rumors and unrest. In a broadcast simulcast worldwide, a somber representative of the Supreme Soviet confirmed the worst fears of the Soviet people: Premier Kiyelevyaynen had indeed been assassinated. The statement assured citizens and international audiences that plans were underway to elect a new Premier, though no timeline was provided. The official emphasized the resilience of the Soviet system, framing the event as a tragic but surmountable obstacle. Despite these reassurances, uncertainty gripped the nation. Factories operated at reduced capacity, and farmers worried about meeting quotas under the stricter rationing regime. In major cities, whispers of conspiracy theories and speculation about internal plots filled communal spaces. The KGB’s heavy-handed approach, while effective in quelling some dissent, only fueled suspicion and unease among the populace.

For the Soviet Union, this was more than a political crisis—it was a test of its very foundation. Could the Union endure the vacuum left by its fallen leader, or would the cracks now visible to the world grow into fractures? As the machinery of the state groaned under the weight of this unprecedented challenge, one question loomed above all others: could the USSR survive?

American Federal Government

The Right of Callista wrote:مونتي هو الأسوأ

Alt or not, no nations from Fifth Empire are welcome here.

The Right of Callista wrote:مونتي هو الأسوأ

Interregional harassment of individuals in Carina won't be tolerated. Enjoy your permanent ban.

The Real Underground wrote:Kathy: ">I will keep that in mind when I do miss cari.<"
She lightly smiles down at cari and carries on

Sky: ">As will I, thank you cari.<"
She simply nods in response before moving on as wellShino: ">Can't say I do to be honest, I know about as much about the layout as you do yumi.
But I suppose we can find one if we look hard enough.<"
She chuckles lightly, and smilesControlled Chaos ll

Eyes in the sky
As the remnants of Ragnhild's army retreated and proceeded to regroup and lick their wounds, the Eboshian air assets proceed to establish aerial surveillance across possible sectors where they could be hiding out.
For now the main purpose is to simply keep tabs on where the enemy army is at all times and when they get the chance annihilate it with close air support and even strategic bombing if they need to.
Of course they are also reeling this data back to friendly forces on the ground.
Marine units also make use of small reconnaissance drones in order to fully increase aerial surveillance and reconnaissance.

Training the next generation
As these academies and whatnot were being constructed, a few former military officers from the Eboshians would apply to teach at these facilities or otherwise work.
And of course are perfectly willing to work with local military forces accordingly as well.

-TLDR response is a little short, but I think it works just fineThe Ashu Situation

The planet appears to be a very cold rocky world that is capable of supporting life.
Notably parts of the planet are heavily industrialized with signs of further intelligent life across the planet.
Most of the planet is covered in a thick layer of ice, snow, rock, and much more,
It has the name "Ashu" due to the volcanic activity found on certain parts of the planet, along with of course the industrial war zones that the planet is known for.

Plenty of activity can be noticed in its orbit, from civilian ships heading down to the surface carrying supplies, such as food, water, medical aid, construction materials and much more.
As the planet is undergoing reconstruction from about a decade of war.

A few military ships can also be seen in orbit primarily frigates, Corvettes, and a few light cruisers

Cari would nod, and in closing out the conversation would fall back towards the larger group, which would slowly depart from the spaceport. As promised, transportation would arrive for the Eboshians, more promptly than some for the other politicians. Cari would give a wave before leaving in her own vehicle. It was obvious she was better off, even when not a politician like the others. Whatever she did, the government thought it was important.

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