by Max Barry

Latest Forum Topics


Lord Protector (Governor): The Commonwealth of North Sion

WA Delegate (non-executive): The Kingdom of Ajakor (elected )

Founder: The Commonwealth of North Sion

Last WA Update:

World Factbook Entry

Welcome to Christians!

Established on December 27, 2024, we are a community of born-again believers of Jesus Christ that are committed to helping each other grow in our walk with the LORD! As we strive to help each other walk the Christian road, we would love for you to join us and become the kind of person God wants us to be.

LinkDiscord: UCC | LinkBibleGateway | LinkGot Questions | LinkAnswers In Genesis | LinkInstitute for Creation Research |

Regional Headquarters:

Verse of the Moment:
A friend loveth at all times, And a brother is born for adversity.
Proverbs 17:17 (KJB)

  1. 177

    Christians of NationStates

    FactbookReligion by Ajakor . 4,251 reads.

  2. 18


    BulletinPolicy by North Sion . 477 reads.

  3. 6

    Christians RP

    MetaGameplay by North Sion . 299 reads.

  4. 3

    Christians Government Portal

    BulletinPolicy by North Sion . 47 reads.

  5. 5

    RP Map

    AccountOther by Ajakor . 41 reads.

▼ 2 More

Embassies: Christians Roleplay, United Democratic Nations, Union of Allied States, UEPU, Free United States, The Northern Union, Kardain, New World of Free Nations, Covenant Shores Roleplay, The Commonwealth League, The New United Christian Countries, The Orthodox Union, The Angularis, Cordone, Catholic Art Gallery, The Royal United Carterert Nations, and 5 others.League of the Chosen Generation, Angelic League, Aura, Database, and Followers of the Word of God.

Tags: Anti-Communist, Anti-Fascist, Capitalist, Democratic, Enormous, Regional Government, Religious, and Theocratic.

Regional Power: Moderate

Christians contains 261 nations, the 155th most in the world.


Today's World Census Report

The Largest Cheese Export Sector in Christians

Qualified World Census Cheese Masters nibbled their way across the globe to determine which nations have the most developed cheese exports.

As a region, Christians is ranked 9,795th in the world for Largest Cheese Export Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Borderlands of Giant RedwoodsDemocratic Socialists“A child of Amber may walk among them, and such was my h”
2.The Holy Empire of The united american-isreali empireCapitalist Paradise“Fighting the good fight”
3.The Kingdom of AjakorCorporate Bordello“You’re the One that guides my heart”
4.The Apostolic Commonwealth of New LuciannovaCapitalist Paradise“Ad maiorem Dei gloriam”
5.The Most Orthodox Commonwealth of Holy AppalachiaAuthoritarian Democracy“Montani Semper Liberi in Christus!”
6.The Armed Republic of BossvoInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Pride and Industry”
7.The Holy Empire of TermindorCorporate Police State“I am Atomic.”
8.The Most Serene Republic of SantiraInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Sainted land”
9.The Kingdom of StotaviaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“The world shall see that Stotavia is protected by God”
10.The Armed Republic of Russian Controlled AlaskaCapitalizt“Submit or Die”
1234. . .2627»

Regional Poll • What Is Your Favorite Web Browser?

The Commonwealth of North Sion wrote:Either Desktop or Mobile

Voting opened 3 days 15 hours ago and will close . Open to all nations. You cannot vote as you are not logged in.

Last poll: “Who is your favorite person from the Bible?”

Regional Happenings


Christians Regional Message Board

USSV5 wrote:

Stotavia wrote: here a few questions

how was your nation founded?

What is their culture?

What real life nation they resemble?

Do they have mortal enemies?

I'm thinking about writing a story and some of your nations might be in it, (that if I even do write a story

1. Conquest
2. Like Mexicoś Lively, religious, warriors
3.The Mexican Empire, (just Successful)
4. Heretics

Stotavia wrote:Pryskiva shall be Russia, then.


Stotavia wrote: here a few questions

how was your nation founded?

What is their culture?

What real life nation they resemble?

Do they have mortal enemies?

I'm thinking about writing a story and some of your nations might be in it, (that if I even do write a story

1: Rome > Eastern Roman Empire > Collapse > Reconquests (Blandowia) (but if we're talking about a possible other world, where me and Nothern Fores have roleplayed, we are people from a faraway land many thousands of years ago who came to this Island Continent thing and conquered it all)

2: Roman/Greek Culture (with some slight mix of Nordic)

3: Italy, Greece, Türkiye, Iceland, Denmark and Norway

4: Yes, Nothern Fores but not Mortal or Arch nemesis

Mine is based of the historical Papal States

ATI noon wrote:Mine is based of the historical Papal States


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