by Max Barry

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oh its you sry i wasnt looking properly

Daneka or Boynoder, please remove your endorsement from me.

Sherizia wrote:Daneka or Boynoder, please remove your endorsement from me.

Done o7

The scania elenerata

The scania elenerata wrote:Elections:
Chesther Ceçqiq = 97.9
Evy Krakowice (Minister of Union) = 2.1

Chesther Ceçqiq is amazing btw

Beep boop >_>
nothing to worry about, just preparing for Z-Day

Any help you automatons might want?

Post self-deleted by Opuntia.

Diplomatic Crisis

Opuntia peacekeepers in The Principality of

The principality of Cormagen is a relatively recently found tribe,they had issues with cultural splits, due to outsiders introducing Nazi ideology, to mantain law and order Opuntia sent in peacekeepers, unfortunatly, due to the political and cultural differences there were burst of conflicts, in one of this encounters 8 Cormagenians were killed by peacekeepers, the fact that this people are mostly "innocent" people who enjoy of exemplar political rights standards they might rally support from neighboring regions to claim some kind of justice

Sherizia, are you still a monarchy? Or am I making that up in my little peabrain

When does the Z day begin?

In a few hours

Masilia wrote:Sherizia, are you still a monarchy? Or am I making that up in my little peabrain

He is

Tanzaka wrote:He is

Are you planning a democratic crusade?

Opuntia wrote:Are you planning a democratic crusade?

Nien but in all seriousness no

Where do i see the Z day timer?

Opuntia wrote:Are you planning a democratic crusade?

I honestly don't know what that means

Wahaman wrote:Where do i see the Z day timer?

On the news tab, it's the most recent post

Masilia wrote:I honestly don't know what that means

Nothing, just a dumb term, like, imagine the US, going to war for liberty and democracy, and actually setting a democracy and leaving

Not talking bad about America,actually I think is way better than china to be the leading superpower

Sonwaer incident

a Pallistan naval fleet was found going through the bay of Sonwaer which is far from the occupation zones after failing to respond High Admiral Fredrick Wilhelm ordered the Tanzakan high fleet to open fire the Pallistan ships fought back all 16 Pallistan warships were sunk while 3 Tanzakan Dreadnought class warship and 1 aircraft carrier were sunk.

The chancellor has declared this an accident and has compensated families involved but tensions have heightened.

Is everyone friendly-ish?
(Because I hope so)

Masilia wrote:Is everyone friendly-ish?
(Because I hope so)


130M citizens infected with the virus

Thanks to quarantine bunkers, only 12,245,973 are infected. This includes those who didn't make it before the bunkers closed, and S.Q.B.P.A Agents.

Guys 152M infected here

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