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I felt this comment on a spiritual level
Don't crap talk individual members. I will miss them and they were good fun folks.
i havent, many of them are cool people who i still talk to, myehn, roman, kroz on occasion, there were some others i thought were cool just dont really remember the name
Okay now to do a map... to just copypaste Valsora or to make a new one, that is the question...
Post self-deleted by Karcovshkie.
new one please, i can assist in stuffs if you'd like
can it PLEASE not be uber modern that sh!t was @ss, cause 10 years in future we dont know, there was that whole no lasers, no drone tanks despite both being in testing rn
I reckon we get Dabir to contribute to it as well, since he has more intimate knowledge of how mapping for something like this works.
Empire of Dabiristan thoughts?
what time period
Elect dabir as delegate
Let's go 10 years back
It's 2014
as delegate he should bann everyone
23* years back September
I reckon we keep it as 2024. Simpler that way
there goes my ww2 cold war era tank design ideas :(
I have an idea tho. What if we have multiple maps in different timelines, like Blob's utropia project?
We have one past tech one, one MTRP, and then one post apocalyptic one
Invite anyone else you think would be interested and see how this thing goes.
Will do.
we dont have to we can be modern
Lead another map?
I guess I can do it. Get the region up and running though first. I'm not going to put effort into something and have it go nowhere.
Of course, of course. We'll get everything sorted and then we can start doing the fun stuff
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