WA Delegate: None.
Last WA Update:
Tags: Democratic, Eco-Friendly, Feminist, General Assembly, Governorless, LGBT, Liberal, Minuscule, Modern Tech, Password, Regional Government, Security Council, and 1 other.World Assembly.
Dejana contains 2 nations.
Activity • History • Administration
Today's World Census Report
The Largest Timber Woodchipping Industry in Dejana
The World Census measured the rate of desertification in order to calculate which nations have the largest timber industry.
As a region, Dejana is ranked 21,204th in the world for Largest Timber Woodchipping Industry.
Nation | WA Category | Motto | ||
1. | The Principality of Distant Shore | Free-Market Paradise | “Patience is a passion tamed.” | |
2. | The Federation of Valley of Industry | Moralistic Democracy | “Make stuff, or we'll treat you like you break stuff” |
Regional Happenings
- : The Haitian Revolutionaries of The Free Black Republic of the region Pecan Sandies proposed constructing embassies.
- : Embassyregi0nia of the region EmbassyRegi0nia proposed constructing embassies.
- : The Republic of Meow 1 of the region The Bottomless Pit proposed constructing embassies.
- : Embassy cancelled between Pasridi Confederacy and Dejana.
- : The Principality of Distant Shore lost WA Delegate status.
- : West21 departed this region for The Rejected Realms.
- : The Principality of Distant Shore ejected West21 from the region.
- : Andusrean army 8 departed this region for The Rejected Realms.
- : The Principality of Distant Shore ejected Andusrean army 8 from the region.
- : Paricplaus departed this region for The Rejected Realms.
Dejana Regional Message Board
I will be joining the Augustin Alliance for this N-day not sure what everyone else is doing?
Im dead i guess. What is N-Day anyways?
its starts 5pm est time tomorrow and last for 24 hours. To participate you need to join a faction. go to the news sections it will tell you all about it. Once I know AA's faction name I will let you all know if you want to join. They won the first two N-day events. This will be the 4th.
Im joining,
Hello Dejana,
When I first wrote the constitution of our great region, I had wrote it with not knowing all of what might be necessary for this region. Today, I present a new constitution that should serve as a better representation of Dejana. It is linked below. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me. I move that the Delegate, Virkat, place this for a vote.
We the union of nations herby seek to give ourselves a prosperous future, so we do herby establish this constitution for the nations of Dejana.
Section i
The powers of the legislature shall be vested in a Parliament. This assembly shall be headed by the Delegate of the region. This assembly is composed of all nations that are within the region. All nations who are a part of the region may vote on polls that decide legislation. Any nation that wishes to have a piece of legislation passed must send a proposal to the Delegate of the region to be approved for the creation of a poll. After the poll has ended, the fifty-one percent of votes towards any opinion will win the poll.
Section ii
The following are the powers of the legislature to execute:
I. Select the Delegate and Vice Delegate of the Region every sixty days
II. Confirm or Deny the Delegate's appointments of Administrative Officers
III. Create Criminal Law: laws that restrict committing crimes that harm other people or property.
IV. Create Civil Law: laws that settle disputes between people or groups, including disputes between governments and citizens
V. Create Amendments to the Constitution
VI. Create Administrative Law: laws that create or abolish rules and regulations that the executive branch and its agencies must obey.
VII. Create International Law: law that affects the region and any foreign region, including laws that involve treaties, trade agreements, etc.
IX: Impeach any member of the administration or Magistrate Executive Council
X: Declare a State of Emergency
XI: Declare peace
XII: Make laws concerning the military of the region
XIII: Make laws restricting the nations of the region for human rights concerns.
Section iii
All legislation that is passed by the Parliament must receive approval from the Founder. The Founder reserves the right to veto all legislation. If the legislation passes Parliament and does not receive a decision within 7 days, the legislation will become law. If a piece of legislation has equal votes of yea and nay, the legislation will fail.
Section i
The powers of security and justice shall be vested in a Magistrate Executive Council. This council shall be headed by the Founder of Dejana, Union of caplis. The Vice Delegate shall be vice chairman of the Magistrate Executive Council. The members, Councillors, of the council shall be chosen by Founder, and they shall serve at the pleasure of the Founder. The Founder, Vice Delegate, and Councillors are all entitled to vote on all matters of decision. The Councillors must take the following oath of office before assuming their position: “I,(fill in your nation), affirm that I will hold my position on this council to the best of my ability, following and protecting the laws of the land set out in the Constitution so long as I shall serve."
Section ii
The following are the powers of the Magistrate Executive Council to execute:
I. Charging nations with crimes
II. Removing administration officials from office
III. Conducting trials for offenders to determine punishment
IV. Ejecting/banning nations
V. Executing the laws created by the Parliament
VI. Carrying out the duties of the Parliament and Delegate in a State of Emergency
VII. Declare an action of the Delegate’s government or the Parliament unconstitutional
Section iii
The Founder is charged with ensuring peace, law, and order are maintained. In a case that the Founder cannot serve in the full capacity of their role, they shall write a writ of praesidium transitum. This shall be a notice to the Magistrate Executive Council and Parliament that a protector nation has been named and the Founder shall be taking a leave of absence. The Protector shall hold all of the constitutional abilities of the Founder.This absence may last for any amount of time. This writ may be revoked or edited at any time by the Founder. If revoked, the Founder shall resume their role and the Protector of Dejana will be dismissed. The Founder of Dejana may create Magistrate Orders that are used to do the following:
I. Declare States of Emergency
II. Dissolve the government
III. Create a rule for the Magistrate Executive Council
IV. Appoint a Delegate in the case of resignation, removal from office, or ceasing to exist
Section i
The executive powers of the region are headed by the Delegate. The Delegate is entitled to head the Parliament, the government of the region, the commander-in-chief of the military of the region, and shall serve as the World Assembly Delegate of the region. All Administration Officers must take the oath of the following in the Regional Message Board: "I,(fill in your nation), affirm that I will hold my position on as (Fill in position) to the best of my ability, following and protecting the laws of the land set out in the Constitution so long as I shall serve." The Delegate is elected by the Parliament through a majority vote. The Delegate may serve in his/her position until the Parliament decides to cast a vote of "no confidence", the Delegate resigns, the account activity is at or exceeds 5 days without action, or their term of 90 days is complete. A vote of "no confidence" must be submitted to the Founder for a Parliament decision. The following are the powers of the Delegate:
I. Call a snap election for the Delegacy
II. Create departments of the government
III. Appoint officers to head government departments to serve at their pleasure
IV. Pardon a nation of crimes, except in cases of impeachment
V. Create treaties with foreign powers, which must be approved by Parliament
VI. Suppress message in the regional message board that are spam or harassment
VII. Create policy on embassies and interregional interactions
VIII. Raise an army in the name of Dejana after a declaration of war has been passed by parliament
IX. Suspend Parliament for a period of up to 45 days, which must be approved by the Founder
Section ii
The Vice-Delegate shall be the second-in-command of the Delegate’s government. The Vice-Delegate will assume the office of Delegate when the Delegate is unable to serve or is removed. The transition of power to the Vice-Delegate must be confirmed by the Magistrate Executive Council. The Vice Delegate will serve for term of 90 days.
If this document is in need of amendment, the Parliament must hold a vote in which a majority of the members choose to amend.
Members of the region are entitled to inalienable rights. The rights are as follows:
I. Any member nation may leave the region, if they so choose to do so, without persecution.
II. Any member nation may run for a public office.
III. No legislation may be passed that prohibits a certain form of government of a member nation.
IV. The member nations are entitled to speak freely about their opinions. Harassment and spamming are excluded from being free speech.
V. Any nation alleged to have broken a law shall be entitled to be contacted by a member of the Magistrate Executive Council. The member then relays the testimony to the other members, and the members vote whether or not the nation in question is ejected & banned or another punishment
This Constitution is hereby held as the law of the region of Dejana Region. All member nations must uphold and protect the Constitution as the law of the region. Violating the laws set out in this Constitution will be held as treason.
Virkat and The Kears
If anyone here wants to join the Augustin Alliance faction here is the link.
I would like to resign my position Councilor. I will be leaving the region due to not allot of activity here.
Since this region is dead, im out.
Aight, I'mma head out. Goodbye, Dejana.