by Max Barry

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Sölarenkirk (Governor): The Colony of Intersolar Colony of Neu Shatourstadt

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: The Colony of Intersolar Colony of Neu Shatourstadt

Last WA Update:

World Factbook Entry

The Intersolar Colony of Shatourstadt it is formed of 2 planets, B and C:
B: A super earth that has 1.5x the size of earth, but has the same mass.
C: A Gas Giant with 1.1 Jupiters in mass and 1.3 Jupiters in radius.

  1. 6

    [#] Wikipedia-Style Infobox Template

    MetaReference by Rohendia . 269 reads.

Embassies: Pecan Sandies, True Waskaria, The Embassy, Vultune, The Embassy 3, and The Democratic Trade Planet.

The embassy with Vultune is being withdrawn. Closure expected .

Construction of embassies with Asian Cooperation Pact has commenced. Completion expected .

Tags: Medium.

Die Grandesolar Kolonie contains 12 nations, the 2,092nd most in the world.


Today's World Census Report

The Largest Cheese Export Sector in Die Grandesolar Kolonie

Qualified World Census Cheese Masters nibbled their way across the globe to determine which nations have the most developed cheese exports.

As a region, Die Grandesolar Kolonie is ranked 5,817th in the world for Largest Cheese Export Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Grand Duchy of Bloggn KalFather Knows Best State“Unity, Discipline, Work”
2.The Clone Commander of CC-1138Psychotic Dictatorship“Unity, Discipline, Work”
3.The Colony of Intersolar Colony of Neu ShatourstadtCorporate Bordello“Dīet Imtersölarrriek”
4.The Republic of TummRight-wing Utopia“SUCH IS LIFE IN GLORIOUS TUMM!”
5.The Republic of DreckyAnarchy“”
6.The Grand Principality of ErwishkanienIron Fist Consumerists“We will Stand with Democracy!”
7.The Grand Duchy of LolkanienIron Fist Consumerists“Lol!”
8.The D˙stëllienrejīk of ShatourstadtIron Fist Consumerists“No more Traitors, no more peace!”
9.The Öveltungstaat of TharzovstaatMoralistic Democracy“Nätionäliszhe Stāt Für Thärzöv”
10.The Republic of Beaverton IslandsInoffensive Centrist Democracy“O’ Lake Michigan Surrounds us”

Regional Happenings


Die Grandesolar Kolonie Regional Message Board

Drecky wrote:Oh ok what shall i do?

Can you maybe get a flag?
Use the Wikipedia template to make a description for your country

Bruh are we closing embassies or what

Shatourstadt wrote:First,
Can you maybe get a flag?
Use the Wikipedia template to make a description for your country

First: what flag?
Second: probably will

Ocolus wrote:Bruh are we closing embassies or what

They are closing embassies on us.

omg my stats are crazy

I changed my flag to smt random

Drecky wrote:I changed my flag to smt random

Ok cool, you can also take smth from the internet, like search up (Imaginary Country Flags)

Drecky wrote:I changed my flag to smt random

Ok cool, you can also take smth from the internet, like search up (Imaginary Country Flags)

Emergency Response Nation wrote:This region boring lolllllll

Yep, its pretty boring region

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