Governor: The United States of Grub
WA Delegate: None.
Founder: The United States of Grub
Last WA Update:
Empire of Power is home to a single nation.
Activity • History • Administration
Today's World Census Report
The Nicest Citizens in Empire of Power
World Census sociology experts studied citizens from various nations to determine which seemed most friendly and concerned for others.
As a region, Empire of Power is ranked 22,398th in the world for Nicest Citizens.
![]() | Nation | WA Category | Motto | |
1. | ![]() | Inoffensive Centrist Democracy | “Frenchies Mustard” |
Regional Happenings
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The Haitian Revolutionaries of The Free Black Republic of the region Pecan Sandies proposed constructing embassies.
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The Oppressed Peoples of Lower Slobbovia of the region The Embassy proposed constructing embassies.
- : Meow 1 of the region The Bottomless Pit proposed constructing embassies.
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The Oppressed Peoples of Lower Slobbovia of the region The Embassy proposed constructing embassies.
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The Oppressed Peoples of Lower Slobbovia of the region The Embassy proposed constructing embassies.
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The Home Improvement Retailer of Poopsadon of the region Home Depot proposed constructing embassies.
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The Democracy of The Universe World of the region The Great Universe proposed constructing embassies.
- : Fungoose of the region Fungoosiania proposed constructing embassies.
- : Nelson wilbury of the region Traveling Wilburys proposed constructing embassies.
- : Dragonembassy of the region Monarchist and Democratic Alliance proposed constructing embassies.
Empire of Power Regional Message Board
*****Empire of Power Annexed Into The 10000 Islands*****
It is with my great pleasure that I announce today that the 10000 Islands has annexed its first region. From this day forward, the Empire of Power will be an official state of the 10000 Islands and will be under complete authority of the 10000 Islands.
When TITO troops arrived this morning, there were just tumble weeds and empty shells of buildings. The only thing powerful about this region was the smell, but in my first act as ruler of the Empire of Power, I have sent in a special team of cleaners and rebuilders into this once loathed region.
For a brief history of the Empire of Power, they were the region that saw an easy mark in the then 15 nation region of the 10000 Islands. With the help of a nation known as New Boniventure, the 10000 Islands was alerted to the Empire of Power attack. From there, the call for help was put out to many, many regions. Some regions answered our call that night and came to help. Most of those defenders that night came from the Urbanites, Texas, the Rejected Realms and others.
After the defeat of the Empire of Power, it became the goal of TITO not only to defend the shores of the 10000 Islands, but to also help other regions unjustly attacked. To date, we have defended over 175 regions. The Empire of Power, after multiple losses to TITO and other defenders, finally packed their bags and surrendered to the overwhelming truth that invaders will never succeed for long.
As I stand in the throne room of the Empire of Power, I see some scribbling -- "Mattattonn, Frenchie, and Mikeoasia were here." Let the Empire of Power be an everlasting testament to the fact that invaders will always lose in the end.
Our memories are long and our cause is great. Long live freedom, long live the 10000 Islands and long live the first state of the 10000 Islands, the Empire of Power!
Founder - 10000 Islands
New Founder - Empire of Power
*****Empire of Power Annexed Into The 10000 Islands*****
excellent. i suggest that we leave, allowing this blighted place die
viva la 10k islands
i think we need to create delegate here, so that grub can go back to 10 k islands
scratch that, hes already back in 10 k islands
but we still need a delegate with acces to region all controll, just incase invaders try to steal her back
This region is controlled entirely by the 10000 Islands.
Happy anniversary! Let Freedom Ring!
Happy 4th Anniversary of the Empire of Power attack! This once proud region used to be 175 nations+ strong, yet it could not defeat a then tiny little region called the 10000 Islands. Let this region be a reminder to all who mess with the weak.
Founder 10000 Islands/TITO & Founder of the now occupied and annexed Empire of Power.
Hi everyone,
I am away for a few days but did see this laughable condemnation attempt of Grub. Even though it is against me, a condemnation of Grub is an attack against NS freedom. This is just another attack, in another form, by a bunch of bullies; much like the bullies of the Empire of Power. This isn't the first time I have been attacked and it won't be the last. Invaders even went as far as getting me deleted many years ago because they lied about me and this is the same thing in a different form. Since a lot of nations weren't around back during the Empire of Power battle, here is what happened.
Back in 2003, the 10000 Islands had somewhere around 20 nations. We were a sleepy little region minding out own business when one night our region was secretly attacked without reason by a region about seven times our size. That invader region was called the Empire of Power. The Empire of Power (EoP) got their fun by picking on little regions which they invaded, booted out the natives and often destroyed the region. When the EoP attacked the 10000 Islands they attacked the wrong region.
Upon being notified of the attack on our homeland that night, I quickly realized we were vastly outgunned and our little region was soon going to be pillaged and destroyed. Our freedom & self determination were going to be taken from us. I would not let that happen, so I then went out to literally over a hundred of different regions asking for their assistance to help fight off this attack. Thankfully, many nations answered the call to help and came to defend the 10000 Islands. After a several day battle, the EoP admitted defeat and retreated. The defense of the 10000 Islands was over, but the Empire of Power lived on. Not only did the EoP live on, but they continued to attack and destroy innocent regions. This act of bullying cowardice could not be tolerated, so TITO, myself, and the 10000 Islands Intelligence Agency went into action to defeat the Empire of Power.
In a multi-prong approach, TITO organized and outclassed the EoP marauders whenever & wherever they tried to attack innocent regions from that point forward. At this same time, several TITO Intelligence agents infiltrated the EoP, including one who brought about the collapse of the EoP from the inside. We have owned the Empire of Power ever since we forced it to collapse and it serves as a reminder to all who bully innocent regions.
This attempted condemnation of Grub is flat out attack on freedom. These invaders continually lose on the battlefield so now they want to try to bully me. I've got to tell you, it ain't gonna work. I wish I could be online more over the next week to defend myself, but my time on NS will be limited. Just know this - if invaders think their lies and distortion of the facts will be tolerated, they are sadly mistaken. The facts are the facts and the Empire of Power attacked & killed innocent regions, they were told to stop and didn't. After that we took them down. We will continue to take down invaders who bully and destroy innocent regions. What gives them the right to do that? Nothing.
Since the time of the Empire of Power attack, myself and the 10000 Islands have tried to help others like we were once helped. There is no way we would have defeated the Empire of Power without the kind help of many nations who wanted to preserve our freedom. Since that battle, we have successfully defended over 1,050 regions. We have done everything from quick little defenses of tiny regions to regions more complex missions like France where we stopped invaders from destroying and refounding France and then gave the natives back control of the Founder nation.
Not only do I urge nations to vote against the condemnation of Grub, but to also urge the condemn of the nation that put forward these lies and distortions of the truth. Stand up to bullies & fight for freedom! Long live freedom!