by Max Barry

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Governor: Ichortropolis

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: Ichortropolis

Last WA Update:

World Factbook Entry

Discovered 1 year ago by an enterprising Swede named Arkhan Grubb, the Grubb's Archipelago is a quaint string of islands, each roughly 2x the size of Australia. Located in the scenic waters 8 km southeast of the Florida panhandle, the Archipelago's resident nations have varied political stances and histories.

When asked about how the myriad ancient cultures and civilizations on the archipelago went undiscovered for so long, Dr. Land responded "iunno"

Tags: Governorless and Minuscule.

Grubbs Archipelago contains 5 nations, the 4,595th most in the world.


Today's World Census Report

The Largest Cheese Export Sector in Grubbs Archipelago

Qualified World Census Cheese Masters nibbled their way across the globe to determine which nations have the most developed cheese exports.

As a region, Grubbs Archipelago is ranked 8,043rd in the world for Largest Cheese Export Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Republic of NONENONEPsychotic Dictatorship“NONE ALL”
2.The Kingdom of Carnaroli ChimoreIron Fist Consumerists“Ave Merciam”
3.The Empire of MegaminxAuthoritarian Democracy“Join The Order of the Grey Wardens!”
4.The Borderlands of 4channyAnarchy“Our patience will achieve more than our force.”
5.The Free Land of GarfieldstanAnarchy“Trespassers will be shot”

Regional Happenings


Grubbs Archipelago Regional Message Board


if you are reading this we will be conducting a national weapons test on Wednesday, August 7.

We are 90% sure we have split the atom (or something of similar size) and will be dropping our first Ichortropolese nuclear weapon at 7:30 AM on a nearly uninhabited foreign area diplomats have given the unassuming name "Gary, Indiana". We will be uploading video of the event from a state-issued PS2 EyeToy on X, the only form of communication in our beautiful country.

Avoid Indiana at this time, and every subsequent time.



We, citizens of Genero-City are willing to sacrifice everything to ensure the well being and success of any Ichortropolese event. Thus August 7th has been made a state mandated holiday and every Genero-civilian will be receiving an eye toy sometime this week. All we ask is that you have a wonderful time.

Great french britain and british france

Hon hon innit


We're back. Look upon my works and despair.


So um us folk at genero-city made a new scientific discovery where we figured out how to teleport landmasses to new locations through a scanner. We saw this as economically beneficial and decided to send every country this new discovery as a gift but there were a few issues. First, we didn’t foresee that there is a glitch that results in the scanner beam shifting a whole land mass up to its border to a new place. Secondly that place ends up always being in a place called Griaorpola dimension of tyrannical madness. We are working on a fix but it might be permanent. WHATEVER YOU DO, DONT USE THIS DEVICE


We would like to announce that construction on our subterranean capital city, "Under-Columbus", has been completed. The city is extremely fun and cool, and we welcome tourists from all member states of the Grubb's Archipelago to enjoy all the sights, sounds and hissing, spraying slime vents our tribute to Old Ohio has to offer.


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