by Max Barry

Latest Forum Topics


Supreme Hellhound (Governor): Zhensheng xue

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: Zhensheng xue

Last WA Update:

World Factbook Entry

Hello and welcome to the Holy John Three!

Holy John Three is a region founded upon the principles of the great June Bug: “John Three,” carrying on the torch left to us by his holiness, we hope to bring every member nation of this region peace, liberty, and freedom. Contribution and participation in RP is heavily encouraged, as it can help you to acquire office positions within this region.

| Master Dispatch & Rules | Election Rules | Archives | Daily Dispatch |

Make sure to join the World Assembly (WA) and endorse our Delegate, Zhensheng xue to increase our regional power. However, DO NOT make 2 WA accounts.

Embassy proposals generally accepted.

Founded: 8/17/2022

Glory to Ukraine!


Raffle Link
Dec 25
Special Christmas Flag + Poll

  1. 5

    Holy John Three | Archives (Before June 2023)

    FactbookMiscellaneous by The tony paporordia . 41 reads.

  2. 4

    Holy John Three | What’s In It For Thee?

    BulletinCampaign by Zhensheng xue . 8 reads.

Embassies: Fredonia, Guinea Kiribati, Regionless, Asia, The Great Universe, Gypsy Lands, Truman, Taperegiona, The Dumpfire, Archai, Scandinavia, The Bar on the corner of every region, Ultimate Potato Republic, Pontbridge Islands, Australia, Krillin, and 13 others.Pencil Sharpeners Puppet Storage, Jewish Autonomous Oblast, Far East Oriental Federation, The Outer Rim, Name 0, Strawberry Hill, Confederation of Northern Regions, 001 Alpha Prime, NationVision Official, Friendly Pacifists, Lair of the Dragon, Beacon of Peace, and The New Republic of the Philippines.

Tags: Anti-Fascist, Capitalist, Casual, Democratic, Eco-Friendly, Fantasy Tech, Free Trade, Future Tech, Game Player, General Assembly, Governorless, Independent, and 19 others.Issues Player, Map, Minuscule, Modern Tech, Neutral, Offsite Chat, Offsite Forums, Pacifist, Post-Modern Tech, Regional Government, Role Player, Security Council, Serious, Social, Sports, Surreal, Trading Cards, Video Game, and World Assembly.

Holy John Three is home to a single nation.


Today's World Census Report

The Most Primitive in Holy John Three

Nations were ranked by World Census officials based on the number of natural phenomena attributed to the unknowable will of animal-based spirit gods.

As a region, Holy John Three is ranked 7,170th in the world for Most Primitive.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Rogue Nation of Loona the HellhoundInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Hummanty is at risk we must FIGHT”

Regional Happenings


Holy John Three Regional Message Board

Perhaps the most important NS Mega fun poll ever...


^ Poll • Are you glad Nation States is back?

No dire threats for not voting in this poll,it's all love mang. >:)



Post by Card2005 suppressed by Zhensheng xue.


Can’t wait for cards to be back!


Back to farming

Can of beans

Zhensheng xue

Aye Aye


The NS Mega Fun Poll returns!


^ • How Many Puppets do you have Bruh?

Tf2 kazotsky kick dance party

*Rule Britannia*



Zhensheng xue

Ich bin so müde, Mann..

*Appears* This is a dare, that means you got selected by chance! Well Done! *Disappears*



Forum View
