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Hello child.
In not kidnapped (;ŏ﹏ŏ)
I swear I am a real Odessa Cossack
Gets up*
Ehma! Parent
I would never kidnap my children.
Greetings little one.
While I was walking I met... Ehh... Mazzaria... Twia and it seems Glasc... Glasconia
Mmm. Did Mazzar hurt you?
Okay. What should our character's names be?
Once he exploded and last time he threw a stone at me, well, do you remember?
*Whistles in Suralan Black Sea Cossack Host and the Suralan Kuban Cossack Sich and the Suralan Azov-Don Cossack Sich (Both are Military Subdivisions of the lands)*
Hm unsure maybe will be Overseer how about Mark.
Ah maybe he was more popular when I was ousted from the LKE when the most popular Nation(me) was banned.
Nice. I'll just be a regular vaultie named.......... Bruce?
*Bruce wakes up from his sleep*
*Mark would be in his office and there would be Banners and posters saying that Reclamation Day would happen tomorrow around the Vault*
*Bruce does his morning routine and puts on his pipboy. He walks out his room and greets the others as he walks*
Bruce: Morning! *He says enthusiastically*
Yes. Ill get to him.
He was plenty popular here.
Also a bit narcissistic you are.
I was gonna say the samething.
I mean I was talked on the forums of LKE years after I was banned. Once I joined RP began to prosper with my warlike tendencies, when I was banned you guys took the torch and made me happy by RPing then they banned y'all and the LKE is dead.
Correction: The Rps as in US made LKE
Okay, thanks.
She sits back down*
So was I, you were a known one, does not mean the best by any means. I was just active which warranted talking. It's a bit bold to point yourself solely as the one who "Made the LKE RP". Well, our activity made the LKE's RMB but not the entire region by any means. To it we were just fleeting individuals who spent little time and then were forced or chose to leave.
And when we left look at the RP now? We did more than they did at the end of it's lifespan. I have friends in the LKE and currently it's trying to oust a group of people who are corrupt.
Claiming you're the one who made a regions RP and all is self centered and frankly quite disappointing. If I used your mindset then I would be all "Oh I'm the most important because my ban made people leave" but I don't because I'm not him, I'm just another member, not someone everyone prays to.
I'm not saying it's not flawed or didn't suffer in that regard, I'm saying the LKE moved on. Even if its had its fair share of things I disapprove, the government is strong and solid. Its not crumbling by any means.
Never said I made all of the regions RP but in suralas words during the time "Spear headed the most RP" in my time there. Hence "Time There"
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