by Max Barry

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Governor: The Republic of Bahariya

WA Delegate: The Commonwealth of Llyberl (elected )

Founder: The Republic of Bahariya

Last WA Update:

World Factbook Entry

season 3 jjcord ns rp. now with fantasy/scifi elements!

Tags: Password and Small.

JJea contains 10 nations, the 2,360th most in the world.


Today's World Census Report

The Most Cultured in JJea

After spending many tedious hours in coffee shops and concert halls, World Census experts have found the following nations to be the most cultured.

As a region, JJea is ranked 5,086th in the world for Most Cultured.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Federal Republic of VikshavnInoffensive Centrist Democracy“I Norden fandt vi hjemme”
2.The Community of Cinnacin IslesLeft-Leaning College State“The country where past and future intertwine....”
3.The Republic of BahariyaCivil Rights Lovefest“Knowledge is light and freedom is the torch”
4.The Republic of MinkuoNew York Times Democracy“Welfare, nationalism, democracy”
5.The Republic of LanghuaNew York Times Democracy“United in Success, Prosperous in Harmony”
6.The Holy Empire of DracheninselPsychotic Dictatorship“Der Drache wird bereichert”
7.The Empire of MorfilodCapitalist Paradise“Happy for you / sorry that happened”
8.The Federation of ProdtopiaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Our Red Hand”
9.The Republic of Of KaiserwaldInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Yes, we love this country”
10.The Commonwealth of LlyberlInoffensive Centrist Democracy“The Wind From Llyberl”

Regional Happenings


JJea Regional Message Board

im me

Hello gamers

Dracheninsel wrote:im me

who u

Bahariya wrote:who u


new phone who dis

Ur mom

Hey there all are all 9 nations here users from the server here?
I don't think I see some nations unless they haven't said who they are

Of Kaiserwald wrote:Hey there all are all 9 nations here users from the server here?
I don't think I see some nations unless they haven't said who they are

Some people havent made their nations yet because the RP hasnt started, im sure theyll make in a few days when it does start :)

Llyberl wrote:Ur mom

Hi mom, I'm dad

Deez dad

Prodtopia wrote:Hi mom, I'm dad

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