NavaerInc 651 has reached the top regional spot on the Most Valuable International Artwork rankings today. They will thus be the new Vice-Delegate, replacing NavaerInc 082.
NavaerInc 143 has reached the top regional spot on the Most Valuable International Artwork rankings today. They will thus be the new Vice-Delegate, replacing NavaerInc 651.
NavaerInc 500 has reached the top regional spot on the Most Valuable International Artwork rankings today. They will thus be the new Vice-Delegate, replacing NavaerInc 143.
NavaerInc 561 has reached the top regional spot on the Most Valuable International Artwork rankings today. They will thus be the new Vice-Delegate, replacing NavaerInc 500.
NavaerInc 620 has reached the top regional spot on the Most Valuable International Artwork rankings today. They will thus be the new Vice-Delegate, replacing NavaerInc 561