Beep beep! Congrats on being the featured region of the day! Anyone for some cake?
The Shining Land, Featured hopper, The strange man, Holos bigel, and 1 otherHekpBall
A man dressed in black appears in a dark alley
Congrats, you are being featured, again. See you soon. I hope...
He disappears into the dark shadows of the night
The Shining Land and Featured hopper
Congratulations on being featured!!!
The Shining Land, Featured hopper, and Holos bigel
Many thanks for your congratulations.
The Shining Land, Featured hopper, A cardboard box, Holos bigel, and 1 otherHekpBall
Congrats On Getting Featured Region Of the day!
The Shining Land and Featured hopper
A Giant Meteor blazes through the sky overhead; leaving a trail of sparks in the sky above your region; those sparks seem to fall in a particular pattern, spelling out the words:
before the meteor vanishes over the horizon; leaving the sky dark and empty as it passes through.
The Shining Land, Featured hopper, The strange man, and HekpBall
To bad N and O are already together
Hello, everyone. Is anyone still here?
The Corporal States of America, Mythandumandematia, and Hekp 2
Anyway, I got rid of that alt.
Yep, Aserlandia here.
Hmm alright, no harm in keeping it around though.
Mythandumandematia and Hekp 2
Good morning, everyone! How are we doing?