by Max Barry

Latest Forum Topics


Governor: The Colony of TEI State

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: The Colony of TEI State

Last WA Update:

World Factbook Entry

The Eastern Isles

Embassies: Quezon and Tobago.

Tags: Minuscule and Password.

The Eastern Isles is home to a single nation.


Today's World Census Report

The Most Cheerful Citizens in The Eastern Isles

The World Census shared cheeky grins with citizens around the world in order to determine which were the most relentlessly cheerful.

As a region, The Eastern Isles is ranked 18,229th in the world for Most Cheerful Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Colony of TEI StateInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Island community”

Regional Happenings


The Eastern Isles Regional Message Board
