by Max Barry

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R.I.P. Parouty 2023-2024
"I do! I do!"
-Parouty when asked if he wants to hold the tungsten cube

Ibra wrote:oh
anyways im gonna go grind some roblox games

Have fun

The reason when I lost Satreburg is because I want to make an Account in Vibonia. That didn’t well, because the last step for maki g a nation, is the Email part. And it made my account gone because of it.

Vibonia cursed me.

what the hell is vibonia

Parouty wrote:R.I.P. Parouty 2023-2024
"I do! I do!"
-Parouty when asked if he wants to hold the tungsten cube
Lol ;p

Satreburg 2 wrote:The reason when I lost Satreburg is because I want to make an Account in Vibonia. That didn’t well, because the last step for maki g a nation, is the Email part. And it made my account gone because of it.

Vibonia cursed me.

and i'm we're gonna do it again

Satreburg 2 wrote:The reason when I lost Satreburg is because I want to make an Account in Vibonia. That didn’t well, because the last step for maki g a nation, is the Email part. And it made my account gone because of it.

Vibonia cursed me.

Half of NationStates fault due to a unnamed bug that makes you lose your password and is only FIXABLE if you have an email.
Which sucks tbh

south pacific, an untouched paradise tahiti

Kyrindor wrote:Half of NationStates fault due to a unnamed bug that makes you lose your password and is only FIXABLE if you have an email.
Which sucks tbh

it all makes sense when i tried to log in beforr

Divided Free Land wrote:when did ibra come back??

ten minutes ago

Ibra wrote:ten minutes ago

begrudgingly, welcome back

Ibra wrote:ten minutes ago

Divided Free Land wrote:when did ibra come back??

Erm actually it was 34 mins ago :nerdyhehe:

Divided Free Land wrote:begrudgingly, welcome back


Angiskyrtopia wrote:Erm actually it was 34 mins ago :nerdyhehe:


Pepi II Neferkare wrote:greed is not really good because greed means you are withholding a chance of success from other people as well - i think everyone should be having a good life.

No. Greed means putting your priorities over others’.

To be frank, rich people almost never owe you anything.

Kyrindor wrote:Half of NationStates fault due to a unnamed bug that makes you lose your password and is only FIXABLE if you have an email.
Which sucks tbh

But I have a password in this account, maybe it was because it was from password to cause that? Idk.

Count Me Out by K-Dot is really motivating for me for some reason

GridLand Empire wrote:Count Me Out by K-Dot is really motivating for me for some reason

K •

Now you are part of them.

Federative Woodstockian Military Junta wrote:No. Greed means putting your priorities over others’.

To be frank, rich people almost never owe you anything.

greed is wanting of material things, not narcissism

Government of texas

Farts stink badly 2024

My farts stink

I've been instructed to come here

GridLand Empire wrote:I've been instructed to come here

Or like demanded

Divided Free Land wrote:greed is wanting of material things, not narcissism

Wise words Mr. Eazy

GridLand Empire wrote:I've been instructed to come here

hi hello whats up its me maurny

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