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Question of the Day
What video game have you been playing recently?
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Madden 25 now that I am on a bit of a break. I might do another Halo run over December/January.
I've been getting back into Civilization V recently. It moves a lot faster than I remember, but that might just be because I'm used to Civ 6 where each turn takes 15 minutes past turn 250
I've been replaying Cyberpunk 2077..... again....
I kinda want to move on to something else but it feels wrong to abandon a playthrough when I'm still having so much fun with it lmao
I've been playing a lot of Retro Bowl as of late. Shoutout to the GOAT Pernell Flowers who obliterated the rushing yards and TDs records at 25,651 and 450 respectively (and averaged 9.3 YPC throughout his career).
I haven't been able to play much games recently, but I can list out a few I've been able to sneak in here and there.
Played a lot of Brawlstars on my iPhone, I know. Mobile game, yuck lol. I've also been doing a game of Squad here and there. I just finished Space Marine 2, which was AWESOME. Just need to start Jedi Fallen Order now. My friends and I are planning on starting a Halo legendary run sometime in the near future though!
Been unable to seriously play anything for a bit (blame uni)
Earlier though I was playing BG3 and Suzerain. Might pick up Civ 6 again when its accessible via Netflix.
I've started playing The Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion again
Control, I got it off game pass
Never played that one, I beat the Civil War and Alduin plalot lines in Skyrim for the first time this past summer
The civil war was interesting.. sad that they cut so much of that content before release though. Skryim is one of my all time favorite games lol
I was disappointed with the main two storylines actually. Theives guild is the only one I've done on all three of my characters and it remains fun. I did Dark Brotherhood for the first time too and that was fun. I think I last stopped before the Soul Cairn in Dawnguard.
Skyrim is a game I play in bursts
That's fair. The main storyline is lacking compared to the other games. Oblivion did a good job at making an amazing main questline.
Also I hate both delphine and esbern and those annoying people up at High Hrothgar
My population is so tiny, it's adorable
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