«12. . .33,76033,76133,76233,76333,76433,76533,766. . .34,80934,810»
Esrenatapol, if you like that name you can adopt it.
Light green= territories not belonging to GASSR whose inhabitants use gürian
Green = GASSR
We also have 1 Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic
It's very right.
You can tell because I play F1 2015.
Hello weird things
I hope everyone is having a great day!
(Also trans rights are human rights)
What is a right?
I got bored so here is the Arabic alphabet approximated with Latin characters:
Hello new world!
Added stuff, opinions on the updates?
Gürë ħas
Bouncepot: ~122,700 (2024 census)
Socialist State Fayria: ~137,000
Overall Speakers: ~269,700
Status: Definitely Endangered
Language Family: Ridinian
Old Central Ridinian
Old Gür
Middle Gür
Modern Gür
Gür is a Central-Ridinian language spoken in Danmiria, Bouncepot, & Mögnburg, Fayria.
stop: p b t d ts tʃ dʒ k g q
fricative: f v s z ʃ ʒ χ ɦ
sonorant: l ɫ r j
closemid: e ø~ɵ̞~ɤ ə o
open: æ a
Ää [æ]
Bb [b~b̪]
Cc [ts]
Čč [tʃ]
Dd [d]
Ďď [dʒ]
Ee [e]
Ëë [ə]
Ff [f]
Gg [g]
Hh [ɦ]
Ħħ [χ]
Ii [i]
Jj [j]
Kk [k]
Ll [l]
Łł [ɫ]
Mm [m]
Nn [n]
Ññ [ɲ]
Ŋŋ [ŋ~ɴ]
Oo [o]
Öö [ø~ɵ̞~ɤ]
Pp [p~p̪]
Qq [q]
Rr [r]
Ss [s]
Šš [ʃ]
Tt [t]
Uu [u]
Üü [y]
Vv [v]
Yy [ɨ]
Zz [z]
Žž [ʒ]
History of being ostracized
In Bouncepot, during early 1990s and late 2000s, the autonomous government of Danmiria official made Gür legally be regarded as “An Improper Language” , People speaking it in public we're often shunned or even worse, stoned, after the conservatives were kicked out the more liberal new autonomous government started regarding it as a beautiful minority language, In Bouncepot its now considered “Quaint Archaic Ridinian”
Basically the same as Pelsaquin
2- tiħ
3- rek
4- tas
5- vit
6- roju
7- jät
8- daħo
9- sift
10- gat
20- tiħajt
30- rekëjt
40- tasëjt
50- vidëjt
60- rojut
70- jätut
80- daħut
90- siftëħt
1000- Katänë
i love phonetics.
F1 games bad.
(source: I, who have played Fallout 3 and New Vegas)
The only phonetic symbols here are mirrored e (ɘ) Latin epsilon (ɛ) and modifier letter s (ˢ), as well as b u o & z
I played Fallout 4 and I love the lore and the lore
That is the wrong thing to say to TescoPepsi.
I tried to play an F1 game because it was free on the PlayStation store. Too hard for me. Can perfectly play PGA 2k! But no F1...
You know what needs a big name video game? Canadian football.
"Some day, Super Mutants kill everything."
- Strong
How do I get a position here?
Thats the fun part, you don't.
That's the neat part: you don't.
Get Ninja'd.
hallo peoplez
"Please assume the position."
Their DOS presumably.
«12. . .33,76033,76133,76233,76333,76433,76533,766. . .34,80934,810»