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Pumpkin pie, eggnog
More than comfort food to some
A time to reflect
Sleepy fuzzy cat
Snoozing in between my knees
I move; he jumps down
Silence breaks like ice,
Mariah stirs from her tomb,
winter’s end begins.
My friend is very large
They keep us warm while it's dark
I love my large cat
/Uses fire 🔥 spell to grill hot dogs 🌭 for the RMB, take your fill..
Free hot dogs! Yay!
A single day late
I did not get the message
I'm late for haikus
i hate wednesday
so i'll pretend it's tuesday
so here's a haiku
The average nation population went down by 1.5 billion and world economic output collapsed in May 2020 , crazy how the pandemic can even effect our game because that meant less people were playing since worlds ceased to exist I think
crazy how nature does that
2020 truly was an odd year.
Let's never go back, shall we?
Bran Astorand I were delegates in 2020, so this feels like a personal attack :P
Bran was alright, you should have wore pants :p
*throws books everywhere*
Better than burning them I suppose. :)
Welcome to the West Pacific. Please have a read of our New Player’s Guide - it will help you get started in the game.
Yy4u, Nas Crustium, and New Ironlands
*gets hit by 3 of them*
Your lose, I'm keeping them now... my precious!
Yy4u and Nas Crustium
Post by Basaltia suppressed by Overthinkers.
brawl stars
What about it?
Quite the opposite, actually. If global population total had crashed, it would indicate that. The average crashing might indicate a dying off of high population nations, but it could also indicate an influx of new nations (a mass of 5-million-pop data points). We know from experiencing it that the latter was the case.
Hello everyone i would like to reminder you guys that you guys are spectacular and can do amazing in anything you like!
Durtoss, Algueneia, Neon Grove, and Scarlette
I was a new nation in that time. I was incredibly ill with Plague and could barely lift my head off the pillow for weeks. I couldn't concentrate on longform content for months (brain fog). The short bursts of activity on NS were perfect escapism.
I'm currently dealing with an infection which has me on a steroid with a laundry list of uses/side effects.
The jitters, insomnia, increased appetite are the prominent ones. I look forward to gaining weight.
I am also using a nebulizer(decreased lung function) every 6 hours.
hey hows it going yall, im new here and to be honest i have no idea what im doing
welcome to the club
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