A Featured Region, Tocaville, Trump Almighty, MV Feature Cruise, and 2 othersYakatamoto, and RV Unrelenting Sea
Congratulations on being the featured region!
Bigly! 🥳
Make NationStates Great Again! 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Ahoy! RV Unrelenting Sea is passing through to explore your featured region!
Featured hopper, A Featured Region, Tocaville, Trump Almighty, and 3 othersThe Featured Region Express, MV Feature Cruise, and Nobody out Pizzas the Hut
Hello, You Have Been Featured, Congratulations!
Featured hopper, Tocaville, No more misinformation, Trump Almighty, and 4 othersAurbus a350-1000, The Featured Region Express, MV Feature Cruise, and Nobody out Pizzas the Hut
Ah! We have been featured! Welcome!
Featured hopper, A Featured Region, Trump Almighty, The Featured Region Express, and 2 othersMV Feature Cruise, and Nobody out Pizzas the Hut
*Gets jealous*
Featured hopper, Tocaville, Trump Almighty, The Featured Region Express, and 2 othersMV Feature Cruise, and Nobody out Pizzas the Hut
Congratulations on your featuredness.
Featured hopper, Tocaville, Trump Almighty, The Featured Region Express, and 2 othersMV Feature Cruise, and Nobody out Pizzas the Hut
hello guys!, im new around here :D
Featured hopper, Tocaville, Trump Almighty, The Featured Region Express, and 2 othersMV Feature Cruise, and Nobody out Pizzas the Hut
Congratulations on being featured!
من النهر إلى البحر
Featured hopper, Tocaville, Trump Almighty, The Featured Region Express, and 2 othersMV Feature Cruise, and Nobody out Pizzas the Hut
congrats on being featured! anyone want some pizza?
Featured hopper, Tocaville, Trump Almighty, Elsiar, and 2 othersThe Featured Region Express, and MV Feature Cruise
*hop hop hop*
Congrats on being featured! Anyone seen a carrot?
HOOOOOOOOOOONK! HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONK!! The MV Feature Cruise has arrived at Toca Earth! Welcome aboard! I remember playing Toca Kitchen 2, fly high, memory. The MV Feature Cruise will depart when next region gets featured.
Featured hopper, Tocaville, Trump Almighty, Elsiar, and 2 othersThe Featured Region Express, and Nobody out Pizzas the Hut
I miss the old days 😔
Featured hopper, Tocaville, Trump Almighty, Elsiar, and 2 othersThe Featured Region Express, and MV Feature Cruise
Congratulations! You are a featured region!
And most Importantly, first on my adventure!
Featured hopper, Tocaville, Trump Almighty, The Featured Region Express, and 2 othersMV Feature Cruise, and Nobody out Pizzas the Hut
Life's all about rainbows, glitter, being featured, and unicorns.
Featured hopper, Tocaville, Trump Almighty, The Featured Region Express, and 2 othersMV Feature Cruise, and Nobody out Pizzas the Hut
As a train pulls into the Toca Earth train station, an announcement is made.
*Now arriving at Toca Earth station on Track 1, is The Featured Region Express to [Insert next featured region.] The train conductor Kai would also like to congratulate this region on being featured. Please stand back from the yellow line and please watch the gap while boarding the train.*
When entering the station, the train gives a horn show, which sounds like someone is saying, ''Congrats on being featured.''
The train stops at the platform, and opens its doors, waiting until the next region is featured to depart from the Toca Earth station to the next station.
Region Score (What Class would I let you sit in on the train, based on my liking of the region): Coach Class
Featured hopper, Tocaville, Trump Almighty, Elsiar, and 1 otherMV Feature Cruise
BeliCruise has been notified of a medium delay in FECR-330's schedule. Sailing to next featured region. Thanks!
*MV Feature Cruise departs from the cruise port of TE*
Featured hopper, Trump Almighty, and The Featured Region Express
You were yesterday the featured region, but now I must go, to the next featured region.
Featured hopper, Trump Almighty, The Featured Region Express, and MV Feature Cruise
Vellakistan got DEATed