by Max Barry

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Enrichi wrote:Cool, guess what, I just didn't ask! :D These goddamn people don't want to rp as nations, rather do some cringe BS

That's mean, man. The game is supposed to be fun too.

Monsmearc wrote:
Thank you for your suggestions! I will not fail in my quest to find these fabled beings known as 'hot singles.' We must attain knowledge of their ways...

Meet up with me in the city and you'll be sleeping with beautiful women in no time. Just don't tell Gazoo...


Capital Markets wrote:Meet up with me in the city and you'll be sleeping with beautiful women in no time. Just don't tell Gazoo...

or don't, if you want a long-term intimate relationship.

That being said, I have yet to date any women, so who am I to judge?

ok I think that's enough internet for today......💀

check 3500 years 5008 days 556 seconds ago.

Kept my nation active until it got a card, not sure what to do now.

Whomadethisplace wrote:Kept my nation active until it got a card, not sure what to do now.

stick around, have a coffee.

B-zal-lee-jhou-n with a silent s

Whomadethisplace wrote:Kept my nation active until it got a card, not sure what to do now.

Welcome to UAS! I hope you feel comfortable here. Read this, it might help you:

Bzalinjuasn wrote:Union of Allied States

I don't know who is most random. You or the other

Monsmearc wrote:I have searched extensively for these mythological beings, although I have almost certainly failed in my endeavors. :) :P

Back about ten or twelve years ago, several of the guys on the crew were marveling over a picture that came with an email offering "Beautiful Filipino women seeking American husbands." The lady running graphics on that show overheard our comments and came walking around the corner saying, "Let me see."

We thought we were going to get yelled at. But no, she simply spoke the truth. She said, "That's not the one you are going to get." Chuckling to herself, she went back to building her graphics.

Sicias wrote:or don't, if you want a long-term intimate relationship.

That being said, I have yet to date any women, so who am I to judge?

Why is having numerous women in your past mutually exclusive to a long term intimate relationship in the future?

Honestly, I prefer to draw on paper than on my cell phone, but it's okay...

Flaming Death on a Stick wrote:Why is having numerous women in your past mutually exclusive to a long term intimate relationship in the future?

That would assume the Womanizing part of your brain could just be switched off whenever you want to.

In addition, the women who are worth dating want a high valued man. High Value men don't go sleeping around with floozies and whores just to prove they can.

Sicias wrote:That would assume the Womanizing part of your brain could just be switched off whenever you want to.

Most heterosexual men are very much aware of attractive women who enter their sphere of awareness. As far as I know that feature is hardwired and cannot be "switched off." There is a reason those women are called "attractive."

I think what you are referring to is self control and discipline. Most men can control themselves and do the right thing if they choose to. Sadly, a significant number of men choose not to exercise that control and that gives the rest of us a bad name.

Sicias wrote:In addition, the women who are worth dating want a high valued man. High Value men don't go sleeping around with floozies and whores just to prove they can.

Who died and left you in charge of deciding what women are "worth dating?" I would really be interested in seeing your list of specifications that makes a woman "worth dating."

It should also be pointed out that women who choose to engage in intimate relationships are not necessarily "floozies and whores." For one thing a whore is defined as a woman who charges for sex. The fact is women get lonely too. I see no reason why women should risk catching a scarlet label simply because they are tired of being lonely.

Most men trolling for pickups are doing it for the company and the fun. Those men may not want the commitment that comes with a long term relationship, marriage and kids. (I know I darn sure wouldn't want to raise a child today.)

As for what defines a "high value man," most women are looking for men who will support them, protect them, and be a good father. Women today know that most men will have had at least a couple of different women in their lives before settling down for good.

Sex must be restricted to indissoluble marriage only

Sicias wrote:That would assume the Womanizing part of your brain could just be switched off whenever you want to.

In addition, the women who are worth dating want a high valued man. High Value men don't go sleeping around with floozies and whores just to prove they can.

Looks like you've bought into some of Andrew Tate (p*ss be upon him)'s "sexual marketplace" manosphere BS. Nothing wrong with studs and sluts as long as they practice safe sex. Live and let live.


Maniaca wrote:Sex must be restricted to indissoluble marriage only

Come on. :<

2. I am hosting an event on friday 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM on the RMB. It's about new year resolutions an I encourage you to come!

Maniaca wrote:Sex must be restricted to indissoluble marriage only

I would agree with that one. At the very least not until very very late into the relationship.

Oh now this is a show 🍿🍿🍿

The United Sentinel Systems wrote:Oh now this is a show 🍿🍿🍿

the show screams 1950s drive in theater

Sicias wrote:I would agree with that one. At the very least not until very very late into the relationship.

I disagree. Sex shouldn't be restricted till after marriage because people like to f*ck.

crazy that i log back in and the first conversation i see is about sex

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