by Max Barry

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Here's an insurance settlement conference I'd pay good money to sit in on. Various news outlets are reporting that the Palisades Fire destroyed Hunter Biden's art work worth "millions of dollars." I have no doubt that Hunter's house burned. There's a good chance some of his art work was in the house when it burned.

The questionable part is the value. Hunter's paintings were selling in the five to six digit range when the purchase of a painting came with a Presidential favor. Now that the Hunter Originals no longer come with prize in every crate, I cannot help but believe the value of those paintings is severely diminished.

My guess is the insurance company is going to want some kind of current market value before they start writing checks.

Story from the NY Post:

Samples of Hunter's work:

Liberal Malaysia wrote:Please appoint Quirrelsit as the official Doorman of UAS. Or Meeter-and-Greeter, or whatever the position's called.

Simple and comfortable for me... I accept that

Kreigsreich of Iron wrote:Thanks.

What's your deal? You say you want to the join the rp and you leave the region and rp discord without saying a word

The United Sentinel Systems wrote:What's your deal? You say you want to the join the rp and you leave the region and rp discord without saying a word

The United Sentinel Systems wrote:What's your deal? You say you want to the join the rp and you leave the region and rp discord without saying a word

Yes, sorry, I wanted to be a part of one of the new GCR’s government. Not saying a word is my bad.

The British Imperial wrote:

Kreigsreich of Iron wrote:Yes, sorry, I wanted to be a part of one of the new GCR’s government. Not saying a word is my bad.

No its grand, its a better response than most give

The United Sentinel Systems wrote:No it grand, its a better response than most give

Oh, huh.

Flaming Death on a Stick wrote:Here's an insurance settlement conference I'd pay good money to sit in on. Various news outlets are reporting that the Palisades Fire destroyed Hunter Biden's art work worth "millions of dollars." I have no doubt that Hunter's house burned. There's a good chance some of his art work was in the house when it burned.

The questionable part is the value. Hunter's paintings were selling in the five to six digit range when the purchase of a painting came with a Presidential favor. Now that the Hunter Originals no longer come with prize in every crate, I cannot help but believe the value of those paintings is severely diminished.

My guess is the insurance company is going to want some kind of current market value before they start writing checks.

Story from the NY Post:

Samples of Hunter's work:

When you said "Hunter biden's art work" I assumed you meant paintings he'd purchased lol. Didn't realize he was an artiste himself

Maniaca wrote:When you said "Hunter biden's art work" I assumed you meant paintings he'd purchased lol. Didn't realize he was an artiste himself

More akin to money laundering, he creates and sells "modern art" that is primarily purchased by affluent individuals in China and Ukraine.

I want to formally congratulate each and every one of the newly selected Cabinet members! The majority of the region already knows our Secretary of the Exterior, who will be joining the region soon. He only needs to iron out some personal issues in his real life on his own time. Hopefully, by the end of this month, the Senate will formally confirm each member in hearings. I appreciate your unwavering support, and I look forward to a successful second term.

My internet's been down for days now and I'm using data to type this. The internet people won't be coming over until this Friday at the latest. I'll also be heading out of town for the Lunar New Year to visit my extended family members all week next week. My activity on this site may be limited until then.

I'm also juggling irl commitments with WoW and NS, which means I'll probably be very busy until at least late March. Should I carry on as Senator and Majority Whip or would it be better to throw in the towel and resign from the Senate altogether?

The only reason I agreed to serve was due to a lack of personnel. I'm starting to regret my decision to serve yet another term.


Liberal Malaysia wrote:Thoughts?

In your absence, I would suggest that Korovan take over as Majority Leader. Do whatever you think is best. The region is in capable hands, and I am delighted to have you serve with me. I would suggest beginning the process next month if you wish to step down as a Senator and temporarily take a vacation from official political events in the region.

Maniaca wrote:When you said "Hunter biden's art work" I assumed you meant paintings he'd purchased lol. Didn't realize he was an artiste himself

He says he is. Other's have disagreed. But art is in the eye of the beholder.

Eco-Paris Reformation wrote:More akin to money laundering, he creates and sells "modern art" that is primarily purchased by affluent individuals in China and Ukraine.

Nailed it. There is no way that art would command the prices Hunter got for those paintings without the special White House bonus prize with every sale.

Eco-Paris Reformation wrote:In your absence, I would suggest that Korovan take over as Majority Leader.

Is a little hot headed, but not overly so. He would serve well in that role.

Why tho

Quirrelsit wrote:The poll is now over

Endorse me Everyone,
I'll endorse you back.


[I believe it may work that way.]

I have handed in my resignation as Senate Majority Whip: page=rmb/postid=58243768

The resignation will take effect immediately. Korovan has been appointed as Acting Majority Whip and an internal Senate election has been called.

If any citizens, that are not a member of the executive or judicial branches, are interested in joining the Senate please quote this whole message when stating so. This will allow me to see your interest in joining.

We have two seats open at the moment, if we have more than two that are interested then an election can be run.

Please understand that if you join the Senate then we may not double dip our votes, this means Senators can not vote in House of Reps. and then vote again when it reaches the Senate floor.

Inexperience is not a big deal for being in the Senate, we have seasoned (Cajun seasoning) people that can answer questions and walk you through the processes and procedures. That's to say inexperience isn't an issue so long as you're willing to learn and listen.

Dreinzagler wrote:hello

Welcome to UAS! I hope you feel comfortable here. Read this, it might help you:

Liberal Malaysia wrote:Please appoint Quirrelsit as the official Doorman of UAS. Or Meeter-and-Greeter, or whatever the position's called.

Well, I guess this happened! /:)

Post self-deleted by Samboria.

Don't worry, I for sure didn't miss 139 messages lol

Enrichi wrote:Don't worry, I for sure didn't miss 139 messages lol

Almost a week inactive, huh?

I woke up to an inch of Al Gore's Global Warming sitting on top of a quarter inch of ice this morning.

One of y'all go fetch Al Gore for me. He's got some serious 'splainin' to do.

Liberal Malaysia wrote:Korovan has been appointed as Acting Majority Whip and an internal Senate election has been called.

Congratulations on the appointment.

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